Saturday, September 9, 2006


Yesterday during Cell group. i stepped on a worm. or a millipede. the ones which curl into little spirals. yuck.

and after i accidently murdered it, i decided its name is. Wilbert.

i know what you're thinking. and No, i don't have any friends by the name of Wilbert. its just a random thought.

anyway. i HATE worms. Abhore. Detest. Loathe. whatever. i just Don't like them. they give me the creeps. and i quiver. shiver. shake. jitter. shudder - when i see them. warning. i may throw up upon seeing a worm.


Yep. enough of worms.

i had a dream. i was standing........................................

Yep. enough of dreams.

i'm SO HAPPY tomorrow's sunday! its my FAVOURITE DAYEEE!!

Heheh. BECAUSE I'M GOING TO CHURCH! Yay! church. church. church.

To be in the presence of the Almighty - truly is The greatest Privilege. The highest Honour. and i just Love standing in the presence of God. to feel his Arms embrace you. and to hear his sweet voice. to smell his presence. ah..

the smell of the Expo aircon. and all the TouchKidz stuff. O, so familiar. No, its nothing weird. i just remember stuff by their smell.
Like People. Everyone has a different smell. its not an odour. neither is it fragrant. its just.. a scent. =)

Thank you Jesus for making my nose! Thank you Jesus for giving me the ability to smell. Lord i pray for Journey mercy tomorrow. and i pray that You'll wake me up at 5.30!!! i really need Your morning call Lord. and i thank you Lord that tomorrow will be THE BEST day! YAY! i can't wait to go to Your house! The house of God! WOOHOO!

you wanna come? =)