Tuesday, July 15, 2008


My days have been filled with work and more work.

I lost 2Kg in one week. Which is pretty drastic, considering i went to Vietnam for 3 months, and lost 1 Kg.


Work has been overwhelming, but no, i'm not gonna resign.

Last week, i worked till 1am-2am in the morning - everyday. It was horrible. As much as fatigue can be accumulated, the fatigue goes away because of the adrenaline you get during work. But the adrenaline actually makes your body work harder - until you finally stop (which is around 2am for me.) By that time - nothing else matters. I sleep at 2+, and wake at 5.30am - and get back to be pumped with adrenaline.

I find that even though work has been tough and tough, i have never considered resigning. Despite the many many "Resign la! So not worth it!" comments which i am getting sick of. It doensn't make me feel any better. I'd Shush you right out if i had worse manners.

Thank you for your concern, but i'd rather you be supportive and encourage me to be strong.

It seems the only person who's supportive is my dad.

He says that i work like he did when he was younger - (and that's true. my personality's more like my dad.) thats why he understands why i stay back so late (many people don't.). Papa tells me to work hard, and assures me that i will see the fruits of my labour. Papa makes me a cuppa Ginseng Drink that i drink every morning before going to work. Papa comforts me by telling me to keep up the good work.

The other day he smsed me, "Waaaah. It seems like i've not seen my daughter for a few years." which i found very funny.

Thank you Papa <3

And Lord, i pray You give me strength. Give me the patience to handle the bothersome Customer Sales Reps. Give me the strength and intelligence to deal with the problems that my people don't know how to solve. Help me to be a joy at work - I want to glorify You. Use me Lord, for your purposes. May my words be pure and clean, may my actions be gracious and pleasing. Lord, lead me in Your ways. Amen. :)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Leaving, on a jet plane

And you're leaving. I'm gonna miss you so much, so so much.

I'll see you when you get back, SGLJ.

Love always,
