please help =) its a collaborative work.
the "..." are the unguessed ones, so type your guess in the little box on the left side. if its correct, it'll appear on the web.
when you're done, click "save game" and copy the URL given, then save it as a comment to me! =)
thank you!
Friday, September 29, 2006
=) thank you Jesus.
i'm not you, i don't have that kinda english.
i'm not you, i can't draw that well.
i'm not you, i don't talk like that.
i'm not you, i don't write like that.
i'm not you, i don't have that kinda figure.
i'm not you, i don't have that kinda friends.
i'm not you, i don't like that kinda stuff.
i'm not you, i don't like sports.
i'm not you, i don't like girly stuff.
i'm not you, i don't have that kinda charisma.
i'm me. i'm Genevieve Jadyn Ong Kai'er. whom God intricately designed for the world.
and i don't have to be anyone else or feel lousy because i'm not as good as other people because God doesn't like me being anyone else.
God Loves me for me. and thats all i have to care about. =)
i Love you Jesus.
i'm not you, i can't draw that well.
i'm not you, i don't talk like that.
i'm not you, i don't write like that.
i'm not you, i don't have that kinda figure.
i'm not you, i don't have that kinda friends.
i'm not you, i don't like that kinda stuff.
i'm not you, i don't like sports.
i'm not you, i don't like girly stuff.
i'm not you, i don't have that kinda charisma.
i'm me. i'm Genevieve Jadyn Ong Kai'er. whom God intricately designed for the world.
and i don't have to be anyone else or feel lousy because i'm not as good as other people because God doesn't like me being anyone else.
God Loves me for me. and thats all i have to care about. =)
i Love you Jesus.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
as i ate dinner alone at home.
i thought back on alot of stuff.
my family.
Nat and ros.
my mummy.
and i've got so much to blog. but i just worked the whole day with only 2.5 hours of sleep the night before.
so i'm gonna brush my teeth and sleep. night.
i thought back on alot of stuff.
my family.
Nat and ros.
my mummy.
and i've got so much to blog. but i just worked the whole day with only 2.5 hours of sleep the night before.
so i'm gonna brush my teeth and sleep. night.
Today was good =)
today was good =)
woke up at (HEHEH) 12 plus.
then watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S on DVD.
then, had lunch. thank you mama for cooking for me whenever i'm hungry =) thank you.
Then. worshipped with guitar a little. wrote down some prayer requests.
Then chatted with Terence online. heheh. (Thursday!)
Then. went to work at the tuition centre.
i realise. that the principal, Mdm Lim, isn't as fierce as what i thought she was.. i mean. after working with her for a while, i think i actually like working with her =) Hallelujah!
Then. we discussed some cookie business. gave her a bit of advice. heh. =)
then. i got back to my P5 chinese class cos another teacher got sick and couldn't come.
so. i was the last one to leave and had to lock up the place. (FIRST time.)
thank God (really) that Mdm Lim was there to help me lock up the place. thank God. then we had a little chat on the way down.. (weee! =) )
then. i bought some dinner. then. i boarded a cab. it was strange cos it felt like this taxi was waiting for me at the taxi stand or something? cause from where i was buying food, i could see the taxi stand. and the taxi was there. and somehow, it didn't leave for very long. But yay! no waiting for cab!
then. once i got in, the radio - 97.2 fm was playing 'Qing fei de yi' by harlem yu. so i sang along. AHhahaha. and the taxi driver laughed and made a casual comment.
then. we didn't talk much. (unlike other taxi drivers. i like chatty taxi drivers though. don't misunderstand.) hmm. then halfway, i just started praying for him. He seemed like a nice man. and there were two tiny little idols in the taxi. am not sure whether they belonged to him. but heck, anyway. so i just prayed. spoke in tongue for a little while. the music drowned me out so he probly didn't hear anything.
(it all happened so quickly. so. fuzzy.) then when we hit the highway, and he asked which part of Yishun i was staying at. so i mentioned my block, and he said (in chinese) it was a good place, cos there're always activities planned for the Mid-autumn festival there. and i misunderstood as some chinese Seventh month thingy. so i said i'm a Christian so i'm not into such stuff. then he said "Oh.. (bla bla bla)"
-can't remember the bla bla bla.-
and suddenly, the holy spirit just showed me images of the Little black card - sort of like a name card thing my church has - which contains all the information about my church services and all. so i thought to myself, if i have any with me, i will give one to this man.
so when we were about to reach my place (a turn or two left), (still happily chatting away), i picked out a ten dollar note. and YES! there were a few black cards left! so i happily gave one to him, inviting him to FCBC!
YAY! thank you Jesus for opening doors for me! i really really thank God. i believe if i hadn't prayed that prayer in the taxi, i wouldn't have been sensitive to the Holy Spirit's prompting. then i probably wouldn't have even thought of inviting the man to church! =)
So thank God i prayed! i believe with all my heart, that little black card will come into good use. even if its a month later, or a year later, or a decade later. i believe God will use me! - and that little black card!
tomorrow i have to wake up early. cause Mdm Lim wants me to open the doors for the tuition centre. (FIRST time). i know i have to make this right. if not.
1) there'll be a whole bunch of students and teachers waiting outside a locked up tuition centre.
2) i'll probably be fired. =(
3) i'll cry.
so. i need all the powers of heaven to make this right. and Thank God He didn't assign definite amount of power for each person. for His word says that WE - each one of us - has access to the power of all heaven! (how cool is my God.)
Anyway. Dear Jesus, i thank you that i'm a tool that you've used today. and only You can make me feel so happy serving! =)
Dear Daddy God. i pray that tomorrow You'll - shake me, kick me, punch and pinch, scream in my ear - to wake me up. please do ANYTHING to wake me up. Send your angels to bring their alarm clocks to ring like mad to wake me up. i'm not kidding. and i pray for journey mercy. i pray for a good flow of traffic. that i'll not be late.
Father i commit EVERYTHINg into your hands because i know i can do Nothing without You.
You - My Rock. My tower of refuge. My peace. My Joy. My First Love.
The Love of my life. Jesus.
in the most beautiful and mighty name of Jesus. Amen!
woke up at (HEHEH) 12 plus.
then watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S on DVD.
then, had lunch. thank you mama for cooking for me whenever i'm hungry =) thank you.
Then. worshipped with guitar a little. wrote down some prayer requests.
Then chatted with Terence online. heheh. (Thursday!)
Then. went to work at the tuition centre.
i realise. that the principal, Mdm Lim, isn't as fierce as what i thought she was.. i mean. after working with her for a while, i think i actually like working with her =) Hallelujah!
Then. we discussed some cookie business. gave her a bit of advice. heh. =)
then. i got back to my P5 chinese class cos another teacher got sick and couldn't come.
so. i was the last one to leave and had to lock up the place. (FIRST time.)
thank God (really) that Mdm Lim was there to help me lock up the place. thank God. then we had a little chat on the way down.. (weee! =) )
then. i bought some dinner. then. i boarded a cab. it was strange cos it felt like this taxi was waiting for me at the taxi stand or something? cause from where i was buying food, i could see the taxi stand. and the taxi was there. and somehow, it didn't leave for very long. But yay! no waiting for cab!
then. once i got in, the radio - 97.2 fm was playing 'Qing fei de yi' by harlem yu. so i sang along. AHhahaha. and the taxi driver laughed and made a casual comment.
then. we didn't talk much. (unlike other taxi drivers. i like chatty taxi drivers though. don't misunderstand.) hmm. then halfway, i just started praying for him. He seemed like a nice man. and there were two tiny little idols in the taxi. am not sure whether they belonged to him. but heck, anyway. so i just prayed. spoke in tongue for a little while. the music drowned me out so he probly didn't hear anything.
(it all happened so quickly. so. fuzzy.) then when we hit the highway, and he asked which part of Yishun i was staying at. so i mentioned my block, and he said (in chinese) it was a good place, cos there're always activities planned for the Mid-autumn festival there. and i misunderstood as some chinese Seventh month thingy. so i said i'm a Christian so i'm not into such stuff. then he said "Oh.. (bla bla bla)"
-can't remember the bla bla bla.-
and suddenly, the holy spirit just showed me images of the Little black card - sort of like a name card thing my church has - which contains all the information about my church services and all. so i thought to myself, if i have any with me, i will give one to this man.
so when we were about to reach my place (a turn or two left), (still happily chatting away), i picked out a ten dollar note. and YES! there were a few black cards left! so i happily gave one to him, inviting him to FCBC!
YAY! thank you Jesus for opening doors for me! i really really thank God. i believe if i hadn't prayed that prayer in the taxi, i wouldn't have been sensitive to the Holy Spirit's prompting. then i probably wouldn't have even thought of inviting the man to church! =)
So thank God i prayed! i believe with all my heart, that little black card will come into good use. even if its a month later, or a year later, or a decade later. i believe God will use me! - and that little black card!
tomorrow i have to wake up early. cause Mdm Lim wants me to open the doors for the tuition centre. (FIRST time). i know i have to make this right. if not.
1) there'll be a whole bunch of students and teachers waiting outside a locked up tuition centre.
2) i'll probably be fired. =(
3) i'll cry.
so. i need all the powers of heaven to make this right. and Thank God He didn't assign definite amount of power for each person. for His word says that WE - each one of us - has access to the power of all heaven! (how cool is my God.)
Anyway. Dear Jesus, i thank you that i'm a tool that you've used today. and only You can make me feel so happy serving! =)
Dear Daddy God. i pray that tomorrow You'll - shake me, kick me, punch and pinch, scream in my ear - to wake me up. please do ANYTHING to wake me up. Send your angels to bring their alarm clocks to ring like mad to wake me up. i'm not kidding. and i pray for journey mercy. i pray for a good flow of traffic. that i'll not be late.
Father i commit EVERYTHINg into your hands because i know i can do Nothing without You.
You - My Rock. My tower of refuge. My peace. My Joy. My First Love.
The Love of my life. Jesus.
in the most beautiful and mighty name of Jesus. Amen!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
Happy Birthday
aa few days ago i went to Tracey's birthday party. and it was quite a regular party. food was good, her mum specially cooked it i think. it was all okay, until it was time to cut the birthday cake.
I could see her mum was having a very hard time trying to gather everyone to get the cake cutting session started. so when everyone was (finally) there, we all sang "Happy Birthday". After the birthday song, her mum wanted to get a picture taken so, in the midst of all the arranging of.. people, Tracey got impatient and just blew the candles and switched on the lights before her mum could get everything sorted out. i was quite shocked. and i could see her mum was genuinely upset, but tried not to show it.
i guess tracey felt like a cake cutting session was unnecessary? or perhaps, she felt she was too old for it.. or maybe. she just wanted to get it over and done with so she could get back to her computer. But in the midst of all these, she failed to realise how much effort her mum had put in to try to show her love for her own daughter. Even though it was a simple gesture, i believe her mum did it out of good intention and love.
Maybe Tracey should put herself in her mum's shoes. and. Not take her mum's love for granted.
I could see her mum was having a very hard time trying to gather everyone to get the cake cutting session started. so when everyone was (finally) there, we all sang "Happy Birthday". After the birthday song, her mum wanted to get a picture taken so, in the midst of all the arranging of.. people, Tracey got impatient and just blew the candles and switched on the lights before her mum could get everything sorted out. i was quite shocked. and i could see her mum was genuinely upset, but tried not to show it.
i guess tracey felt like a cake cutting session was unnecessary? or perhaps, she felt she was too old for it.. or maybe. she just wanted to get it over and done with so she could get back to her computer. But in the midst of all these, she failed to realise how much effort her mum had put in to try to show her love for her own daughter. Even though it was a simple gesture, i believe her mum did it out of good intention and love.
Maybe Tracey should put herself in her mum's shoes. and. Not take her mum's love for granted.
cookie love
i wanna give a cookie to everyone i love.
So. more baking required.
Let's Go! Wooo ooo hoooooo!
So. more baking required.
Let's Go! Wooo ooo hoooooo!
You tell me.
(listening to "Bizarre Love Triangle" by Frente) (thank you Wenting!)
I feel fine and I feel good
I feel like I never should
Whenever I get this way, I just dont know what to say
Why cant we be ourselves like we were yesterday
Im not sure what this could mean
I dont think youre what you seem
I do admit to myself
That if I hurt someone else
Then we'd never see just what were meant to be
Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You'll say the words that I can't say
i'm confused. pretty much. You just threw me back and forth. Yes and no. Yes or no?. Yes. and no. maybe yes. but i think no. then i think yes. but then, its no. then you made me think yes. then i thought yes. but then it changed to no. and then i thought it became yes again. so i thought yes. and then, i think no. but apparently you think yes. so.
Yes or no.i need my Holy Spirit.
i want to think no. because. because. because. i just think no. but then, i wouldn't want God to not have space to work. so. i'll just see how it goes.
Anyway.HALLELUJAH! no asthma attack today! and thank you Joel for the ride home =)
I feel fine and I feel good
I feel like I never should
Whenever I get this way, I just dont know what to say
Why cant we be ourselves like we were yesterday
Im not sure what this could mean
I dont think youre what you seem
I do admit to myself
That if I hurt someone else
Then we'd never see just what were meant to be
Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You'll say the words that I can't say
i'm confused. pretty much. You just threw me back and forth. Yes and no. Yes or no?. Yes. and no. maybe yes. but i think no. then i think yes. but then, its no. then you made me think yes. then i thought yes. but then it changed to no. and then i thought it became yes again. so i thought yes. and then, i think no. but apparently you think yes. so.
Yes or no.i need my Holy Spirit.
i want to think no. because. because. because. i just think no. but then, i wouldn't want God to not have space to work. so. i'll just see how it goes.
Anyway.HALLELUJAH! no asthma attack today! and thank you Joel for the ride home =)
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Combo of the day
i missed my quiet time today morning because. because. because. i woke up late.
was supposed to meet pastor Jas at 10.30 and i woke up at 9.45 (bad bad me.)
anyway. it was an eventful day. first was an Asthma attack. which i didn't dare tell Pst Jas if not she'll make a big fuss and send me home. Then came a big flu which resulted from all the dust.
so it was pretty much a Combo. And it REALLY sucks having an asthma and Flu at the same time. Lets see why:
Its definitely MUCH better to breathe through your nose cause then the air you take in is cleaner. So, of course, during an asthma attack, i would breathe through my nose.
The flu would ALways result in a blocked and congested nose. so breathing through my nose is not an option anymore.
As i breathe through my mouth, my throat started to itch, causing a cough to develop, which, obviously, worsens the breathing.
And then with the added sore throat which already existed because of all the baking yesterday. Argh.
And. during the Asthma attack i realise i didn't bring my inhaler.
How can i not bring my inhaler.............................................. ARF. Blufph. Blokadoodoo. Arg.
THANK GOD my lungs didn't collapse. Thank God. Thank God. Thank God. Ah. Thank God.
Thank God. Thank God. Dear God please protect me from Bronchitis and Pneumonia. Please. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Jesus.
was supposed to meet pastor Jas at 10.30 and i woke up at 9.45 (bad bad me.)
anyway. it was an eventful day. first was an Asthma attack. which i didn't dare tell Pst Jas if not she'll make a big fuss and send me home. Then came a big flu which resulted from all the dust.
so it was pretty much a Combo. And it REALLY sucks having an asthma and Flu at the same time. Lets see why:
Its definitely MUCH better to breathe through your nose cause then the air you take in is cleaner. So, of course, during an asthma attack, i would breathe through my nose.
The flu would ALways result in a blocked and congested nose. so breathing through my nose is not an option anymore.
As i breathe through my mouth, my throat started to itch, causing a cough to develop, which, obviously, worsens the breathing.
And then with the added sore throat which already existed because of all the baking yesterday. Argh.
And. during the Asthma attack i realise i didn't bring my inhaler.
How can i not bring my inhaler.............................................. ARF. Blufph. Blokadoodoo. Arg.
THANK GOD my lungs didn't collapse. Thank God. Thank God. Thank God. Ah. Thank God.
Thank God. Thank God. Dear God please protect me from Bronchitis and Pneumonia. Please. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Jesus.
Cookie lessons.
a few lessons i've learnt from baking cookies.
#1 - Always count the number of containers available at home.
If ignored: All the cookies baked will be left lying around, a-waiting to be eaten.
#2 - Do not constantly open the oven door to check on the cookies.
If ignored: A sore throat will result the next day.
#3 - Be prepared to smell like a big fat cookie.
If ignored: You will still smell like a big fat cookie.
Some pictures of my cookies:

i have too little cookies left. i'll bake some more come saturday. please make orders if you want some. (before 23/9/06)
#1 - Always count the number of containers available at home.
If ignored: All the cookies baked will be left lying around, a-waiting to be eaten.
#2 - Do not constantly open the oven door to check on the cookies.
If ignored: A sore throat will result the next day.
#3 - Be prepared to smell like a big fat cookie.
If ignored: You will still smell like a big fat cookie.
Some pictures of my cookies:

These are from my first batch. a bit sweeeet.
cookie count: 50 plus.i have too little cookies left. i'll bake some more come saturday. please make orders if you want some. (before 23/9/06)
Monday, September 18, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Leaders' Appreciation Bollywood Dinner
No, i did not dress Bollywoodish. =)
it is only because of God's Strength, that i'm able to last till now. slept at about 2 last night (saturday) after praying. and then woke up at 5 am to do my quiet time. (not complaining. i enjoyed my time with God.)
i think it really really does make a difference when you wake up early to spend time with God. Although i was really trying to keep myself awake, But somehow as i carried on with my day after i ended my quiet time, i could sense God's presence around me. It was truly enriching. i walked out of the house feeling light and.. prepared - like i could face the biggest problem in the world and yet, not fail, because of Jesus. i thank God for His holy presence.
and then. Work was as usual. only there were lots of persuading cause i was hesitating.. whether to go for the Leaders' Appreciation Bollywood Dinner. Partly because i was 90% expecting karthi to play me out (am sorry to hear about your friend Karthi, Really sorry.) . and also.. cause i didn't wanna be alone. then Aunty LaiGek and AiLee persuaded and nagged and persuaded and nagged until i caved and decided to go.
Thank God, truly. He never lets me down. He NEVER lets me down. =) i love you Jesus.
We ended work kinda early. and i went in for service. and i got chased by an usher to sit amongst a crowd of people i don't know.. Cause i usually sit at the back by myself. I'm not blaming the usher, she was, of course, only doing her job. =) But. i just dislike moving after i get all settled. then halfway thru the sermon, my phone Vibrated. and then *tick tick tick tack tack tack tuck tuck tuck* (smsing.)
Then Joel came to sit beside me. =) (if you're reading this) thank you Joel. =) i appreciated it. BUt STOP biting your nails okay. =| . after the sermon ended, we stood up. and Joel asked, " Did you get enough sleep?" (or something along that line) and THEN. i realise. i was..... beat (means dead tired.) .
And i'm still very tired now.
but yes. um the Bollywood Dinner. was REALLY GREAT!. although i didn't stay for the whole thing. Cause Aunty LaiGek offered to give me a lift at 8.17 pm and i hurriedly agreed, not wanting to squeeze on a bus with the rest of the Tkidzers. (nothing personal.)
But strangest thing was. when we started off with the ice-breakers, which were quite okay =) (i like the table game! Everyone was so excited!! ahahahh. EVEN MYSELF.) yes, um. When we started off with the IBs, EVERYONE was insanely excited. (AHAHHA!!) and there was SO much enthusiasm i think Pst Linda got quite a shock. (sHe was drowning in our enthusiasm.)
There was Jumping off the stage. Dancing on Chairs. banging of tables. Cat-calling. Shouting. Screaming. Sabo-ing. EVERYTHING.
But once we started on the short 6-point sermon prepared by Pst YewLin, the presence of the Holy Spirit was evidently strong. and i'm sure we all felt it. It WAS VERY strong. i could feel it. in my fingers, in my veins, in my head. Everywhere! and the Sweet presence of God just overflowed from the chapel.
it was SUCH an experience to know that even in the midst of all the Crazy fun.. Jesus was there amongst us, watching his children jump off the stage, Cat-calling with their God-given voices, and standing on chairs dancing to the Bollywood songs blasting from the speakers.
Jesus must have laughed more than Anyone of us. i got a hunch he was dancing Bollywood on the chairs too. =)
well. anyhow. i Love Jesus. and i'm gonna sleep now so i can wake early to spend time with Him tmr morning.
All the best to all who are under the pressure of exams. =) draw strength from God, for only thru His strength will you be victorious!
In the lovliest name of Jesus - Amen.
it is only because of God's Strength, that i'm able to last till now. slept at about 2 last night (saturday) after praying. and then woke up at 5 am to do my quiet time. (not complaining. i enjoyed my time with God.)
i think it really really does make a difference when you wake up early to spend time with God. Although i was really trying to keep myself awake, But somehow as i carried on with my day after i ended my quiet time, i could sense God's presence around me. It was truly enriching. i walked out of the house feeling light and.. prepared - like i could face the biggest problem in the world and yet, not fail, because of Jesus. i thank God for His holy presence.
and then. Work was as usual. only there were lots of persuading cause i was hesitating.. whether to go for the Leaders' Appreciation Bollywood Dinner. Partly because i was 90% expecting karthi to play me out (am sorry to hear about your friend Karthi, Really sorry.) . and also.. cause i didn't wanna be alone. then Aunty LaiGek and AiLee persuaded and nagged and persuaded and nagged until i caved and decided to go.
Thank God, truly. He never lets me down. He NEVER lets me down. =) i love you Jesus.
We ended work kinda early. and i went in for service. and i got chased by an usher to sit amongst a crowd of people i don't know.. Cause i usually sit at the back by myself. I'm not blaming the usher, she was, of course, only doing her job. =) But. i just dislike moving after i get all settled. then halfway thru the sermon, my phone Vibrated. and then *tick tick tick tack tack tack tuck tuck tuck* (smsing.)
Then Joel came to sit beside me. =) (if you're reading this) thank you Joel. =) i appreciated it. BUt STOP biting your nails okay. =| . after the sermon ended, we stood up. and Joel asked, " Did you get enough sleep?" (or something along that line) and THEN. i realise. i was..... beat (means dead tired.) .
And i'm still very tired now.
but yes. um the Bollywood Dinner. was REALLY GREAT!. although i didn't stay for the whole thing. Cause Aunty LaiGek offered to give me a lift at 8.17 pm and i hurriedly agreed, not wanting to squeeze on a bus with the rest of the Tkidzers. (nothing personal.)
But strangest thing was. when we started off with the ice-breakers, which were quite okay =) (i like the table game! Everyone was so excited!! ahahahh. EVEN MYSELF.) yes, um. When we started off with the IBs, EVERYONE was insanely excited. (AHAHHA!!) and there was SO much enthusiasm i think Pst Linda got quite a shock. (sHe was drowning in our enthusiasm.)
There was Jumping off the stage. Dancing on Chairs. banging of tables. Cat-calling. Shouting. Screaming. Sabo-ing. EVERYTHING.
But once we started on the short 6-point sermon prepared by Pst YewLin, the presence of the Holy Spirit was evidently strong. and i'm sure we all felt it. It WAS VERY strong. i could feel it. in my fingers, in my veins, in my head. Everywhere! and the Sweet presence of God just overflowed from the chapel.
it was SUCH an experience to know that even in the midst of all the Crazy fun.. Jesus was there amongst us, watching his children jump off the stage, Cat-calling with their God-given voices, and standing on chairs dancing to the Bollywood songs blasting from the speakers.
Jesus must have laughed more than Anyone of us. i got a hunch he was dancing Bollywood on the chairs too. =)
well. anyhow. i Love Jesus. and i'm gonna sleep now so i can wake early to spend time with Him tmr morning.
All the best to all who are under the pressure of exams. =) draw strength from God, for only thru His strength will you be victorious!
In the lovliest name of Jesus - Amen.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Wo ah ha ha
Well well.
A big THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU to papa for a great trip to Malaysia even though it was really rushed. and yes. i did miss Johnny Ong Kor Kor. i really wanted to buy him something but he always said my stuff were ugly. hence i decided against it.
Heh. i didn't miss singapore. Because because because. i got to stay in a HOTEL! (Berjaya Times Square)
And the One thing i LOVE about hotels - are the Towels.
Big, Good, Warm, and nice towels.
Super absorbent towels. you don't even need to wipe yourself dry. Just wrap around yourself after you shower. and huff-a-puff! You're Dry!
Yes. Towels. i love them.
okay. Enough.
A big THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU to papa for a great trip to Malaysia even though it was really rushed. and yes. i did miss Johnny Ong Kor Kor. i really wanted to buy him something but he always said my stuff were ugly. hence i decided against it.
Heh. i didn't miss singapore. Because because because. i got to stay in a HOTEL! (Berjaya Times Square)
And the One thing i LOVE about hotels - are the Towels.
Big, Good, Warm, and nice towels.
Super absorbent towels. you don't even need to wipe yourself dry. Just wrap around yourself after you shower. and huff-a-puff! You're Dry!
Yes. Towels. i love them.
okay. Enough.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Please Don't.
Don't brag in my face and then laugh about it.
It's hard to come home from a Holiday (yay), to a big bunch of disappointments.
God. i can feel my tears.
its hard.
so please. Stop bragging.
Don't brag in my face and then laugh about it.
It's hard to come home from a Holiday (yay), to a big bunch of disappointments.
God. i can feel my tears.
its hard.
so please. Stop bragging.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Alooloo was walking down an extremely busy road. and he met his friend BokBok who went to Africa 200 years ago. They chatted along the busy pathway, meanwhile obstructing many people's paths, resulting in lots of "Tsk!" and nudgings. Alooloo and BokBok decided they both preferred Teh Tarik to Coffee and hence, They headed for the Famous SumTek Teh Tarik shop.
Upon the arrival of SumTek Teh Tarik Shop, They were welcomed by a party of lion-dancers with neon bright coloured fluffy pants (legs) and were later told by SumTek, the store owner, that They (Alooloo and BokBok) were the 678 Millionth customer of SumTek Teh Tarik Shop.
They were then given the prize of a Lifelong supply of Teh Tarik powder - each, with a start of 153,208 cartons of Teh Tarik Powder and 248,759.5 complementary Teh-Tarik Flavoured Biscuits, each cut into an oblong shape by Dumpok the Biscuit cutter cum shaper.
(Each Biscuit - cut out by DumPok- was intricately designed in such a way that the Oblong-Shaped Teh-tarik Flavoured Biscuit is able to balance on a needle, ANd has its Centre-of-Gravity marked out with an "X" which is coloured with Magenta Food Colouring, specially produced by Magenta Food Colouring Co. Inc. Pte Ltd. GST. ERP. CBD. OCBC.)
Alooloo and BokBok sat down to savour (hahhah.) their lifelong supply of Teh Tarik Powder. And then.
Decided that SumTek Teh Tarik Shop's Teh Tarik was nice. But not as good as ChupTong's Teh Tarik.
(to be continued.)
i'm seriously bored. and sleepy.
Upon the arrival of SumTek Teh Tarik Shop, They were welcomed by a party of lion-dancers with neon bright coloured fluffy pants (legs) and were later told by SumTek, the store owner, that They (Alooloo and BokBok) were the 678 Millionth customer of SumTek Teh Tarik Shop.
They were then given the prize of a Lifelong supply of Teh Tarik powder - each, with a start of 153,208 cartons of Teh Tarik Powder and 248,759.5 complementary Teh-Tarik Flavoured Biscuits, each cut into an oblong shape by Dumpok the Biscuit cutter cum shaper.
(Each Biscuit - cut out by DumPok- was intricately designed in such a way that the Oblong-Shaped Teh-tarik Flavoured Biscuit is able to balance on a needle, ANd has its Centre-of-Gravity marked out with an "X" which is coloured with Magenta Food Colouring, specially produced by Magenta Food Colouring Co. Inc. Pte Ltd. GST. ERP. CBD. OCBC.)
Alooloo and BokBok sat down to savour (hahhah.) their lifelong supply of Teh Tarik Powder. And then.
Decided that SumTek Teh Tarik Shop's Teh Tarik was nice. But not as good as ChupTong's Teh Tarik.
(to be continued.)
i'm seriously bored. and sleepy.
Forgive and forget. thats what God would do.
i'm not saying these because i think i'm righteous or people have wronged me whatsoever. i just feel its necessary to do some... Housekeeping. Because i know God's about to do a great work in my life. So. lets just clear out some old stuff to let the new in.
To you, who said you would NEVER lie to me, but cheated for the longest time. i forgive you.
To you, who vented your frustration and loneliness on me when mummy passed away. i forgive you, and still love you.
To you, who -in your frustration - said i would never grow up and always be childish. i forgive you. (and reject that comment in the name of Jesus. hehe. nothing personal.)
To you, who brought me back and forth for 3 years. i forgive you, and am glad we're still friends.
To you, who said i was dumb. i forgive you.
- - - - -
To you, whom i've let down after 2 months because of my selfishness. i'm sorry.
To you, whom i've disappointed when mummy passed away. i'm sorry.
To you, whom i've vented my anger on. i'm truly truly sorry.
To you, whom i've irritated. (hehehe). i'm still sorry.
To you, whom i've abandoned because i was irresponsible. i'm sorry. and i still love you so much.
To you, whom i've lied to because i was selfish and jealous. i'm sorry.
(the above-mentioned are of reference to specific people)
There's still alot more, i know. But to anyone whom i've wronged or anything, i ask for forgiveness.
- - - - -
Lord, thank you for revealing to me my own true ugly nature.
But your word says that No matter how ugly i am, You will never reject me. You will NEVER abandon me. and even when the whole world has turn its back on me. You pick me up. You hold my hand. You wipe my tears away.
and i know there's so much more you can reveal, but choose not to. Cause i know if you reveal all in one go, i'll probably just... decompose. i think.
Lord. i thank you, for you are graceful. i thank you that you are gonna help me to change my ugly nature, to be more and more like Christ. and i am truly grateful that you WANT to help me change. Thank you Jesus.
- - - - -
To All you, who smiled and said Hello. Thank you. Thank you. =)
(especially you.)
i'm not saying these because i think i'm righteous or people have wronged me whatsoever. i just feel its necessary to do some... Housekeeping. Because i know God's about to do a great work in my life. So. lets just clear out some old stuff to let the new in.
To you, who said you would NEVER lie to me, but cheated for the longest time. i forgive you.
To you, who vented your frustration and loneliness on me when mummy passed away. i forgive you, and still love you.
To you, who -in your frustration - said i would never grow up and always be childish. i forgive you. (and reject that comment in the name of Jesus. hehe. nothing personal.)
To you, who brought me back and forth for 3 years. i forgive you, and am glad we're still friends.
To you, who said i was dumb. i forgive you.
- - - - -
To you, whom i've let down after 2 months because of my selfishness. i'm sorry.
To you, whom i've disappointed when mummy passed away. i'm sorry.
To you, whom i've vented my anger on. i'm truly truly sorry.
To you, whom i've irritated. (hehehe). i'm still sorry.
To you, whom i've abandoned because i was irresponsible. i'm sorry. and i still love you so much.
To you, whom i've lied to because i was selfish and jealous. i'm sorry.
(the above-mentioned are of reference to specific people)
There's still alot more, i know. But to anyone whom i've wronged or anything, i ask for forgiveness.
- - - - -
Lord, thank you for revealing to me my own true ugly nature.
But your word says that No matter how ugly i am, You will never reject me. You will NEVER abandon me. and even when the whole world has turn its back on me. You pick me up. You hold my hand. You wipe my tears away.
and i know there's so much more you can reveal, but choose not to. Cause i know if you reveal all in one go, i'll probably just... decompose. i think.
Lord. i thank you, for you are graceful. i thank you that you are gonna help me to change my ugly nature, to be more and more like Christ. and i am truly grateful that you WANT to help me change. Thank you Jesus.
- - - - -
To All you, who smiled and said Hello. Thank you. Thank you. =)
(especially you.)
Saturday, September 9, 2006
Yesterday during Cell group. i stepped on a worm. or a millipede. the ones which curl into little spirals. yuck.
and after i accidently murdered it, i decided its name is. Wilbert.
i know what you're thinking. and No, i don't have any friends by the name of Wilbert. its just a random thought.
anyway. i HATE worms. Abhore. Detest. Loathe. whatever. i just Don't like them. they give me the creeps. and i quiver. shiver. shake. jitter. shudder - when i see them. warning. i may throw up upon seeing a worm.
Yep. enough of worms.
i had a dream. i was standing........................................
Yep. enough of dreams.
i'm SO HAPPY tomorrow's sunday! its my FAVOURITE DAYEEE!!
Heheh. BECAUSE I'M GOING TO CHURCH! Yay! church. church. church.
To be in the presence of the Almighty - truly is The greatest Privilege. The highest Honour. and i just Love standing in the presence of God. to feel his Arms embrace you. and to hear his sweet voice. to smell his presence. ah..
the smell of the Expo aircon. and all the TouchKidz stuff. O, so familiar. No, its nothing weird. i just remember stuff by their smell.
Like People. Everyone has a different smell. its not an odour. neither is it fragrant. its just.. a scent. =)
Thank you Jesus for making my nose! Thank you Jesus for giving me the ability to smell. Lord i pray for Journey mercy tomorrow. and i pray that You'll wake me up at 5.30!!! i really need Your morning call Lord. and i thank you Lord that tomorrow will be THE BEST day! YAY! i can't wait to go to Your house! The house of God! WOOHOO!
you wanna come? =)
and after i accidently murdered it, i decided its name is. Wilbert.
i know what you're thinking. and No, i don't have any friends by the name of Wilbert. its just a random thought.
anyway. i HATE worms. Abhore. Detest. Loathe. whatever. i just Don't like them. they give me the creeps. and i quiver. shiver. shake. jitter. shudder - when i see them. warning. i may throw up upon seeing a worm.
Yep. enough of worms.
i had a dream. i was standing........................................
Yep. enough of dreams.
i'm SO HAPPY tomorrow's sunday! its my FAVOURITE DAYEEE!!
Heheh. BECAUSE I'M GOING TO CHURCH! Yay! church. church. church.
To be in the presence of the Almighty - truly is The greatest Privilege. The highest Honour. and i just Love standing in the presence of God. to feel his Arms embrace you. and to hear his sweet voice. to smell his presence. ah..
the smell of the Expo aircon. and all the TouchKidz stuff. O, so familiar. No, its nothing weird. i just remember stuff by their smell.
Like People. Everyone has a different smell. its not an odour. neither is it fragrant. its just.. a scent. =)
Thank you Jesus for making my nose! Thank you Jesus for giving me the ability to smell. Lord i pray for Journey mercy tomorrow. and i pray that You'll wake me up at 5.30!!! i really need Your morning call Lord. and i thank you Lord that tomorrow will be THE BEST day! YAY! i can't wait to go to Your house! The house of God! WOOHOO!
you wanna come? =)
Friday, September 8, 2006
Should THIS be the drive to want to draw closer to God? i seriously don't think so.
i don't think i wanna draw close to God just because people around me are so close to Him that i feel compelled to be close to Him.
NOOoo. That should NEVER be the case.
Jesus. Help me to want to draw nearer to You. Help me to want to Love You more and more and more each and every minute. Lord i pray you ignite in me this Fire to burn for you, to yearn for you. i want to long for You like i've never done before. i want to love you more than anything or anyone else.
And Jesus. please give me direction.. i'm pretty lost. love you! kisses.
i don't think i wanna draw close to God just because people around me are so close to Him that i feel compelled to be close to Him.
NOOoo. That should NEVER be the case.
Jesus. Help me to want to draw nearer to You. Help me to want to Love You more and more and more each and every minute. Lord i pray you ignite in me this Fire to burn for you, to yearn for you. i want to long for You like i've never done before. i want to love you more than anything or anyone else.
And Jesus. please give me direction.. i'm pretty lost. love you! kisses.
Wednesday, September 6, 2006
Jesus i need Your grace. Help me.
i REALLY cannot do this on my own! i fail every single time i rely on my own strength. and i know it is impossible. Lord. Teach me to draw strength from You and You alone. i need to stop this bad habit. and i kn0w its wrong. Although nobody's perfect but you've made me in the image of Christ. Help me! i want to draw near to You.
i Don't wanna lie in bed every night before i go to sleep, thinking about how i've sinned and done wrong even when i KNOW its wrong. i don't. i really don't.
Lord Jesus, i need Your forgiveness. i need to Change. i need Your strength. i need to direct my heart towards Yours. i need Your Grace.
i want Your holy presence in my life.
and it's all that matters.
"I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance." -Luke 5:32
i REALLY cannot do this on my own! i fail every single time i rely on my own strength. and i know it is impossible. Lord. Teach me to draw strength from You and You alone. i need to stop this bad habit. and i kn0w its wrong. Although nobody's perfect but you've made me in the image of Christ. Help me! i want to draw near to You.
i Don't wanna lie in bed every night before i go to sleep, thinking about how i've sinned and done wrong even when i KNOW its wrong. i don't. i really don't.
Lord Jesus, i need Your forgiveness. i need to Change. i need Your strength. i need to direct my heart towards Yours. i need Your Grace.
i want Your holy presence in my life.
and it's all that matters.
"I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance." -Luke 5:32
Tuesday, September 5, 2006
And announcing today's Most heard Line.
Coming in third place is....................... "EH! why you all so stiff! Smile smile!"
And in First runner-up........................ "Okay Look at the camera. Look at the camera."
And THe FIRST PRIZE GOES TO......................................................................................................................................................................... "MORE TEETH PEOPLE! MORE TEETH!"
And yes. the photoshoot.
it was okay. but EXTERMELY TIRing.
for those of you who think photoshoot is just about standing there and smiling. you're so damn wrong.
maybe its the Heels. maybe its the formal wear. maybe it the fact you have to think of poses. Maybe its because you have to try NOT to blink even when the flashes from the uber bright lights in front can blind you inside out. Maybe its because you have to stand in the same position for at least half an hour. Maybe it's because you have to change the way you look without moving.
whatever. its just plain tiring.
but it's kinda fun. haha. weird. but definitely an experience to remember.
Now i can't wait for the TP posters to be out. truly wanna see what it looks like.
Bleah. my voice is only about 70% back. and its so weird. talking without sound. although i LOVE IT!! Yes i do. Love it when my voice breaks.
the only thing i don't like is. that i can't sing. i can't sing christmas carols. i can't sing praises. i can't sing songs for God. i can't sing.
okay. i'm gonna read "God came near" by Max Lucado. its one of the best christian books i've ever read. Beautiful yet simple english. mm mmm. just lovely. lovely. lovely. i'll quote some paragraphs when i'm free. which i am - now. but ahya.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
And in First runner-up........................ "Okay Look at the camera. Look at the camera."
And THe FIRST PRIZE GOES TO......................................................................................................................................................................... "MORE TEETH PEOPLE! MORE TEETH!"
And yes. the photoshoot.
it was okay. but EXTERMELY TIRing.
for those of you who think photoshoot is just about standing there and smiling. you're so damn wrong.
maybe its the Heels. maybe its the formal wear. maybe it the fact you have to think of poses. Maybe its because you have to try NOT to blink even when the flashes from the uber bright lights in front can blind you inside out. Maybe its because you have to stand in the same position for at least half an hour. Maybe it's because you have to change the way you look without moving.
whatever. its just plain tiring.
but it's kinda fun. haha. weird. but definitely an experience to remember.
Now i can't wait for the TP posters to be out. truly wanna see what it looks like.
Bleah. my voice is only about 70% back. and its so weird. talking without sound. although i LOVE IT!! Yes i do. Love it when my voice breaks.
the only thing i don't like is. that i can't sing. i can't sing christmas carols. i can't sing praises. i can't sing songs for God. i can't sing.
okay. i'm gonna read "God came near" by Max Lucado. its one of the best christian books i've ever read. Beautiful yet simple english. mm mmm. just lovely. lovely. lovely. i'll quote some paragraphs when i'm free. which i am - now. but ahya.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sunday, September 3, 2006
With reference to Rocky's comment, thank you so much Rocky. and Truly! i believe we will catch a movie marathon together someday! =) YAY!
okay, on to my day's "recollections".
My God.
i can't believe what i just did. Wherever did that courage come from!?
Where? Where? did it just poof out of nowhere? Did it just zoom out of my surroundings?
Did i make a wrong move? did i? i'm frantic. i'm panicking. i have absolutely no idea what came over me.
It may not have been a big deal (or even a tiny tiny deal) to most (well. 99% of you) of you out there. BUT it means ALOT to me. Because.
Because. Because. Because.
Simply Because. Gen doesn't make the first move. Well. Whether or not That even counts as a "move". it still is a big breakthrough.
BUt. i think. i think i think i think.
it's not God's plan.. so i SHALL NOT. WILL NOT. go any further.
Jesus Give me Strength. Give me Wisdom. Let me hear from You. Whether this is right or not. i NEED TO KNOW. i don't wanna grope around in the dark. i want Your Light. i want Your life. if its not Your Will, its Wrong. wrong wrong wrong.
So Father, let me know. talk to me. Let me hear Your sweet still voice.
I Know you Love me, Jesus. And you and i both know i can never love you like you love me.
But Jesus, i love you. i really do. i love you. with whatever little bit of love i can give.
i wanna love you like my first love, but sometimes i don't remember you.
i wanna love you like my best friend, but sometimes i don't feel like talking to you.
i wanna love you like you're my father, but sometimes i just choose to disobey you.
but Jesus, i love you. with whatever i can give. i love you.
okay, on to my day's "recollections".
My God.
i can't believe what i just did. Wherever did that courage come from!?
Where? Where? did it just poof out of nowhere? Did it just zoom out of my surroundings?
Did i make a wrong move? did i? i'm frantic. i'm panicking. i have absolutely no idea what came over me.
It may not have been a big deal (or even a tiny tiny deal) to most (well. 99% of you) of you out there. BUT it means ALOT to me. Because.
Because. Because. Because.
Simply Because. Gen doesn't make the first move. Well. Whether or not That even counts as a "move". it still is a big breakthrough.
BUt. i think. i think i think i think.
it's not God's plan.. so i SHALL NOT. WILL NOT. go any further.
Jesus Give me Strength. Give me Wisdom. Let me hear from You. Whether this is right or not. i NEED TO KNOW. i don't wanna grope around in the dark. i want Your Light. i want Your life. if its not Your Will, its Wrong. wrong wrong wrong.
So Father, let me know. talk to me. Let me hear Your sweet still voice.
I Know you Love me, Jesus. And you and i both know i can never love you like you love me.
But Jesus, i love you. i really do. i love you. with whatever little bit of love i can give.
i wanna love you like my first love, but sometimes i don't remember you.
i wanna love you like my best friend, but sometimes i don't feel like talking to you.
i wanna love you like you're my father, but sometimes i just choose to disobey you.
but Jesus, i love you. with whatever i can give. i love you.
Saturday, September 2, 2006
Moo-vie Maa-rathon
three movies. free flow of popcorn and drinks.
Hahah. i don't know where to start. Okay. the three movies were. Monster house, devil wears prada, and John Tucker must die. (thats a sneak. well i'm one of the first people to watch it! Singapore will show in end of september.)
Lets Go!
Monster House - was good. =) liked it quite alot. i liked the story line, where Mr nebbercracker was actually a good guy. and all thats happened with Constance - the Giantess. Visual Effects were good. No lame jokes. (very good) and pretty exciting. sO yes. i think. 8/10 (i LOVE Chowder.)
The devil wears Prada - was okay. i like Nate (is that how its spelt) and Meryl Streep!! She is GoOOd. and for some strange reason. i like Emily, the first assistant. hahha. but anyway. storyline was o-kay only. some parts were so cliche. the part where shw walked away from Miranda (decided to quit) and then. coincidently walked to a pond and coincidently have Miranda call her - so she could throw her phone into the pond. hahah. but overall, was ok. 7.5/10
John Tucker must die - (comedy) was okay. storyline was... somewhat predictable. but some parts were funny. Haha. yes they were. and my gosh. John tucker was played by the gardener from Desperate housewives. HE's HOT! hahaha. and yes. *clap clap clap* so good looking. well. you'll get to watch end end september! =) i'll give it a 7/10.
Free flow of popcorn - surprisingly. Manda and i didn't eat much of it. We were the only loonies who didn't even finish the first round. thanks to the big burger and Oreo Milkshake (so thick) we had at Maestro Bistro. And SADLY AND ULTRA UBER DISAPPOINTINGLY, they only had SWEET popcorn. what about us - SALTY POPCORNS lovers. =( Hence. i didn't eat much.
Overall. it was a good night! =) an experience to remember. Hahaha. truly. and it marks the end of exams and start of holidays for me. i lost my voice because i didn't sleep enough. (its just my body. always like that.) so i reached home at 7. thought everyone was asleep so i crept around the house quietly. making as little noise as possible.
Then after my bath. i realise that my Dad and Granma were not at home. so the only pig sleeping was my brother. whom i think. will never wake up to any noise whatsoever. so i stopped creeping around the house, and realise it didn't make much of a difference - whether i crept around or not. its still as noisy. ahhaha.
So. thank You Jesus for this blessing you've given me. Thank you thank you. i really love it when you plan small little things like that to make my life more... um... happening? hahhah. thank you Jesus for keeping us save all the while. thank you Jesus for watching the movies with us! And i believe that You'll be teaching me somethings from the Movies. =). Oh yes. i'm going shopping with Manda later. Please Please Please. help me to shop. help me to find the right stuff at the right price to buy. and i thank youLord for your guidance in everything. HUGS AND KISSES!
In Jesus' most wonderful name - Amen.
three movies. free flow of popcorn and drinks.
Hahah. i don't know where to start. Okay. the three movies were. Monster house, devil wears prada, and John Tucker must die. (thats a sneak. well i'm one of the first people to watch it! Singapore will show in end of september.)
Lets Go!
Monster House - was good. =) liked it quite alot. i liked the story line, where Mr nebbercracker was actually a good guy. and all thats happened with Constance - the Giantess. Visual Effects were good. No lame jokes. (very good) and pretty exciting. sO yes. i think. 8/10 (i LOVE Chowder.)
The devil wears Prada - was okay. i like Nate (is that how its spelt) and Meryl Streep!! She is GoOOd. and for some strange reason. i like Emily, the first assistant. hahha. but anyway. storyline was o-kay only. some parts were so cliche. the part where shw walked away from Miranda (decided to quit) and then. coincidently walked to a pond and coincidently have Miranda call her - so she could throw her phone into the pond. hahah. but overall, was ok. 7.5/10
John Tucker must die - (comedy) was okay. storyline was... somewhat predictable. but some parts were funny. Haha. yes they were. and my gosh. John tucker was played by the gardener from Desperate housewives. HE's HOT! hahaha. and yes. *clap clap clap* so good looking. well. you'll get to watch end end september! =) i'll give it a 7/10.
Free flow of popcorn - surprisingly. Manda and i didn't eat much of it. We were the only loonies who didn't even finish the first round. thanks to the big burger and Oreo Milkshake (so thick) we had at Maestro Bistro. And SADLY AND ULTRA UBER DISAPPOINTINGLY, they only had SWEET popcorn. what about us - SALTY POPCORNS lovers. =( Hence. i didn't eat much.
Overall. it was a good night! =) an experience to remember. Hahaha. truly. and it marks the end of exams and start of holidays for me. i lost my voice because i didn't sleep enough. (its just my body. always like that.) so i reached home at 7. thought everyone was asleep so i crept around the house quietly. making as little noise as possible.
Then after my bath. i realise that my Dad and Granma were not at home. so the only pig sleeping was my brother. whom i think. will never wake up to any noise whatsoever. so i stopped creeping around the house, and realise it didn't make much of a difference - whether i crept around or not. its still as noisy. ahhaha.
So. thank You Jesus for this blessing you've given me. Thank you thank you. i really love it when you plan small little things like that to make my life more... um... happening? hahhah. thank you Jesus for keeping us save all the while. thank you Jesus for watching the movies with us! And i believe that You'll be teaching me somethings from the Movies. =). Oh yes. i'm going shopping with Manda later. Please Please Please. help me to shop. help me to find the right stuff at the right price to buy. and i thank youLord for your guidance in everything. HUGS AND KISSES!
In Jesus' most wonderful name - Amen.
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