YAYNESS. Blogger is back. seriously. the server's a little Konky. quite frustrating sometimes.
Anyway. This week would be/already is the bee-zee-est (busiest) week of... any random period.
Lets see.
Note: Encounter - something like a church camp. but its more expensive, cos you put up at a hotel. or in this case, YMCA (not too shabby! :D)
Monday - Classes till four. Got materials needed for Church Encounter.
Tuesday (today) - Classes till one. Rushed down to PLMGS for Games Dry run.
Wednesday - Classes till three. To go home, Pack bag (TONS OF STUFF), prepare my prop for Encounter. Rush down to Nanny's to get stuff. Rush down to Ee's to pass some stuff.
Thursday - PLMGS CAMP = Madness, Madness, and More madness.
Friday - Still at PLMGS CAMP! = Tired, and Mad people.
Saturday - PLMGS CAMP until morning. Rush down to Encounter at YMCA.
Sunday - ENCOUNTER! :D possibly, rush down to church for work (if necessary)
So.................................... Big week man.
And i'm doing devotion for second day at PLMGS camp! :D I'm quite pleased about it, cause somehow i feel i'm ready. But i really need need need God's guidance. I think i need Jesus to "ra-ra" the crowd for me. teehee. But i'm really pleased that i volunteered to help Melvin. Cos he seemed pretty.. loaded. :D
But something tells me Melvin will do fine. I think its God telling me that. :)
Thank you Jesus. For Your Unconditional Love, Your Breath of Life which renews us, and above all, The Holy Spirit who is with us every single moment. i love you.