Was reading thru someone's blog. Let's hear about her:
I was in the same class as her for about a year. I found her intimidating. and Boisterous. (okay. thats not really a nice word. but i can't find any other. my Engrish.) and. I don't know. O well.
Was reading her blog. and all her issues with this guy she can't seem to let go off made me wonder about what i used to be/feel when i broke up with my "relationshipee" when i was in secondary school. All her emoness reminded me of my own emoness. (Warning: This may very well be an emo post. Brace Yourselves.)
I've always always always thought of her as a really strong person. But after reading her blog and all. She doesn't seem that strong. hmm. makes me realise that everyone has a door that leads to a weaker being within themselves.
But God says, When you're weak, you are strong.
Because when we're weak, we look to God. and God IS STRENGTH. GOD IS LIFE. GOD IS HOPE. and above all,
God is Love.
Anyway. Recently there's another person, who seems to be getting on my nerves. I have no idea why. but its just.. the things he says. REALLY. ARGH. i know i'm evil, but sometimes (in all my evilnessity,) i just ignore him, and give him a blunt "Okay". I know i know. *points to myself, and say "EVIIILLLL"*
I really need God's love. Because God didn't call us to love those who are easy to love, but, Love the unlovely ones. I'm not saying he's unlovely whatsoever. Everyone is unlovely in their own ways. I'm unlovely in my own way too. So. we all need God's love to "love thy neighbour as thyself". Serious.
I miss Lifeskills Enrichment. I miss Ros, Melvin, Melnana, Stephen.
I miss Huimin. <3
And I miss Auntie Laigek, Cheryl, Lynne, Karthi, and the whole Papadum gang at church!!!!!!! The Papadum gang is LOVE.
And to Uncle Jit. Enough with the Match-making and *AHEM*-teasing already. GOODNESS. EV-E-RY SUNDAY. You're such a nutty person. Totally can't imagine you lecturing SRJC studs.
O well. i miss so many people.
And to think if i Get to go for OSIP (WOO HOO!! HALLELUJAH!!) I'm gonna be missing even more people. And Ah. All my committments. gotta make so many arrangements.
And my spiritual family. AH. all the aunties and sisters. WE ROCK FCBC.
I'm glad i can love. i'm glad i love. Quote, I love because You first loved me. (Quote from bible la.)
Love - Who doesn't believe in love?
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
ME. i decided to do something random.
So here are some stuff, which i think are quite unknown. unless you're family. or. me, being random, mentioned them.
the Buggy side:
1. I have eaten (crunched) Ten live beetles, Fear-factor style. HAH!. Whatever la. Papa who used to go to temples said the monk said those beetle would cure my asthma. SO. he made me close my eyes, and he popped them into my mouth. they were............. spicy.
2. I Once stepped on a cockroach with my bare foot. ACCIDENT, of course. TOTALLY GROSS. still makes me shiver. YUCK. and it popped. LITERALLY, POPPED. SO SO SO SO SO SO SO GROSS. YUCK YUCK YUCK. I screamed and jumped all over the place and washed my foot with body soap, hand wash and shampoo.
The Language side:
1. I HATE, (kay. not hate. but TOTALLY DISLIKE WITH A HUGE AMOUNT OF DISLIKATION.) people (esp. Girls) Who talk like "Ai know eeu Lurb me wor." And they always use a whole lot of symbols. like, example, they're "about me":
(*^@*^|| i Am born a Pink Princess||^*@^*)
This example is pure minimal. My goodness. SPEAK/TYPE PROPERLY.
And i think people who type loads of symbols, are just too free.
2. I adore the French Language. i know Un peu.
3. I can speak in tongues. Christian stuff. :) ( i Thank God for the gift of tongues.)
4. I make up my own vocab. and spelling.
The Materialish (?) Side:
1. I have an absolute soft spot for BROWN PAPER BAGS. absolute softnessity.
2. I dislike people who copy my vocab.
3. I dislike people who copy my.. style of personalization.
4. I like personalization. My own way.
5. I LOVE old stuff. i like my stuff to look old and used. makes it feel precious. :D
6. there are tons more.
The "My beliefs" side:
1. I believe Happy Old People/Folks are more precious than anyone/thing.
2. I don't really think Babies are precious. and obviously, i, too, don't think ALL babies are cute.
3. I Like being myself. and i know i am weird. and i'm extremely random. :D
The Me side:
1. I Like weird, uncommercialised music. :D
2. I, too, Like boy-bandish commercialized music. :D
3. I don't really care if people think i sing nice. but i like singing outloud.
4. I LOVE HUGS. i believe hugs are powerful the way they are.
5. I love it when people smile at me. It makes me feel comfortable. (of course, no creepy smiles.)
6. I am weird. (i know)
7. I can be REALLY irritating. (i know too :D)
8. I used to think/dig alot when i know of people who dislike me, but now, i don't really give (a damn). Cause i know people do (dislike me). :)
9. I HATE IT when people say "Whatever" to me. not in a sentence, but at the end of a sentence, or just. "Whatever" as a reply. I HATE IT. makes me feel like walking away/leaving the person alone.
10. It scares me to know someone's reading this.
11. I told you i'm weird. :D
kay. there's a whole lot more. but i think its kinda dumb typing out these stuff. so i shall stop already.
So here are some stuff, which i think are quite unknown. unless you're family. or. me, being random, mentioned them.
the Buggy side:
1. I have eaten (crunched) Ten live beetles, Fear-factor style. HAH!. Whatever la. Papa who used to go to temples said the monk said those beetle would cure my asthma. SO. he made me close my eyes, and he popped them into my mouth. they were............. spicy.
2. I Once stepped on a cockroach with my bare foot. ACCIDENT, of course. TOTALLY GROSS. still makes me shiver. YUCK. and it popped. LITERALLY, POPPED. SO SO SO SO SO SO SO GROSS. YUCK YUCK YUCK. I screamed and jumped all over the place and washed my foot with body soap, hand wash and shampoo.
The Language side:
1. I HATE, (kay. not hate. but TOTALLY DISLIKE WITH A HUGE AMOUNT OF DISLIKATION.) people (esp. Girls) Who talk like "Ai know eeu Lurb me wor." And they always use a whole lot of symbols. like, example, they're "about me":
(*^@*^|| i Am born a Pink Princess||^*@^*)
This example is pure minimal. My goodness. SPEAK/TYPE PROPERLY.
And i think people who type loads of symbols, are just too free.
2. I adore the French Language. i know Un peu.
3. I can speak in tongues. Christian stuff. :) ( i Thank God for the gift of tongues.)
4. I make up my own vocab. and spelling.
The Materialish (?) Side:
1. I have an absolute soft spot for BROWN PAPER BAGS. absolute softnessity.
2. I dislike people who copy my vocab.
3. I dislike people who copy my.. style of personalization.
4. I like personalization. My own way.
5. I LOVE old stuff. i like my stuff to look old and used. makes it feel precious. :D
6. there are tons more.
The "My beliefs" side:
1. I believe Happy Old People/Folks are more precious than anyone/thing.
2. I don't really think Babies are precious. and obviously, i, too, don't think ALL babies are cute.
3. I Like being myself. and i know i am weird. and i'm extremely random. :D
The Me side:
1. I Like weird, uncommercialised music. :D
2. I, too, Like boy-bandish commercialized music. :D
3. I don't really care if people think i sing nice. but i like singing outloud.
4. I LOVE HUGS. i believe hugs are powerful the way they are.
5. I love it when people smile at me. It makes me feel comfortable. (of course, no creepy smiles.)
6. I am weird. (i know)
7. I can be REALLY irritating. (i know too :D)
8. I used to think/dig alot when i know of people who dislike me, but now, i don't really give (a damn). Cause i know people do (dislike me). :)
9. I HATE IT when people say "Whatever" to me. not in a sentence, but at the end of a sentence, or just. "Whatever" as a reply. I HATE IT. makes me feel like walking away/leaving the person alone.
10. It scares me to know someone's reading this.
11. I told you i'm weird. :D
kay. there's a whole lot more. but i think its kinda dumb typing out these stuff. so i shall stop already.
Midsems are next week and i've not started studying yet :( :( :(
And. Whats with the recent addiction to ANIMAY. (anime. i have my own spelling.)
I need help.
Anyway. Here are some photos i got from Gek's Blog. Taken after the OSIP interview. I think we look pretty darn good ay! :D We look Boss-ish, like. Tow-kay-ish.

Midsems are next week and i've not started studying yet :( :( :(
And. Whats with the recent addiction to ANIMAY. (anime. i have my own spelling.)
I need help.
Anyway. Here are some photos i got from Gek's Blog. Taken after the OSIP interview. I think we look pretty darn good ay! :D We look Boss-ish, like. Tow-kay-ish.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
i absolutely love love love love love love love love Jesus.
Because HE is the greatest. The Grestest i have ever known, and will ever know. THE greatest.
Thank you all for supporting ADAVIE. we heart you. and we'll be in business again next monday! So please do do do come by!. If you wanna pre-order please mail us at merryadavie@gmail.com, or visit our webby!
We're terribly sorry if you came by on monday and couldn't get what you want cos we were sold out. Please PRE-ORDER!! :D O yes. we may be coming up with new flavours for our Mirthy Mimi Cupcakes!
And i still absolutely adore Our Muddy Mollies, and Merry Munchies. they are absolutely Lovely. i can absolutely get fat while baking. seriously.
Haha. i went around peeking at people (People = Girls from camp.) and All the blogs i went to said that THEY LOVED THE CAMP. i think its really precious. and i think Melvin will be laughing his ST off if i tell him the girls loved the camp. O well. Hahaha.
And. HA. Tomorrow's the interview for OSIP (Overseas Student Internship Programme) I DO HOPE THE INTERVIEW will be a great success. Because i really really really really REALLY. want to go. although i know, to spend almost 3 months overseas without family is tough tough tough, PLUS my birthday's gonna be spent overseas with possibly my other roommate. : ( . but i do really wanna go. So i'm praying hard. :D
O wells. i'm done preparing my Resume (Reh-Zoo-May) praying my printer can print. teehee.
And i just learnt this afternoon that Melvin arranged with the girls to go for dinner in June! hopefully it'll be 8th of June. So Ros can make it, and IT'LL BE THE LAST DAY OF EXAMS. WHICH OF COURSE, totally rocks my socks.
So. God bless you. Whoever you are. Teehee. God knows you're reading reading reading my Brog man.
O PRAY FOR ME PLEASE. tomorrow's (24th May) interview is at 2.15pm. i need lotsa prayers. :D
Because HE is the greatest. The Grestest i have ever known, and will ever know. THE greatest.
Thank you all for supporting ADAVIE. we heart you. and we'll be in business again next monday! So please do do do come by!. If you wanna pre-order please mail us at merryadavie@gmail.com, or visit our webby!
We're terribly sorry if you came by on monday and couldn't get what you want cos we were sold out. Please PRE-ORDER!! :D O yes. we may be coming up with new flavours for our Mirthy Mimi Cupcakes!
And i still absolutely adore Our Muddy Mollies, and Merry Munchies. they are absolutely Lovely. i can absolutely get fat while baking. seriously.
Haha. i went around peeking at people (People = Girls from camp.) and All the blogs i went to said that THEY LOVED THE CAMP. i think its really precious. and i think Melvin will be laughing his ST off if i tell him the girls loved the camp. O well. Hahaha.
And. HA. Tomorrow's the interview for OSIP (Overseas Student Internship Programme) I DO HOPE THE INTERVIEW will be a great success. Because i really really really really REALLY. want to go. although i know, to spend almost 3 months overseas without family is tough tough tough, PLUS my birthday's gonna be spent overseas with possibly my other roommate. : ( . but i do really wanna go. So i'm praying hard. :D
O wells. i'm done preparing my Resume (Reh-Zoo-May) praying my printer can print. teehee.
And i just learnt this afternoon that Melvin arranged with the girls to go for dinner in June! hopefully it'll be 8th of June. So Ros can make it, and IT'LL BE THE LAST DAY OF EXAMS. WHICH OF COURSE, totally rocks my socks.
So. God bless you. Whoever you are. Teehee. God knows you're reading reading reading my Brog man.
O PRAY FOR ME PLEASE. tomorrow's (24th May) interview is at 2.15pm. i need lotsa prayers. :D
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Hahaha. Today a million people have asked me if i'm okay. Thank you for your concern people :) i appreciate it.
But i really don't know what to say to that question, or how to answer it. Because i know the truth is, i'm not okay. i hate to admit it, but i know i'm not okay. But i'd have to explain a whole lot of stuff if i were to answer, "No, i'm not really okay. teehee." and.. its only normal to say "i'm fine" to the "Are you okay?" Question. ( And i really feel grateful that that person asks out of concern. but. sometimes, the truth is.. difficult to tell.)
So i decided, i'm just gonna smile and say, i'm fine, don't worry :)
To all you whom i've ignored or given one-worded answers to today, i'm sorry, sincerely.
i'm really tired. and have been tired. Physically, Mentally and emotionally. Its more than just the camps and baking i guess. I believe the Lord's doing something in my Life now, and its just a phase in my spiritual life that i have to go through. i'm thankful God's doing His work in my life, Cause otherwise, i'd be kinda useless.
I thank God that He's teaching me, and guiding me. I thank God for making me feel certain feelings to remind me i should rely on Him, and trust Him.
Just tonight, i was walking home from the MRT station, and i suddenly felt nostalgic, i felt blue. i Hate feeling blue. Its just so... Blooo. Bleh. Blay. Bloh. Blurk. and my mind started to wander, and my heart started to miss certain people i shouldn't be missing. and Right there and then, i told God i didn't want those emotions. i didn't want to feel all moody and sad and Blooo all day. And the Bible says if you seek God, You'll find Him. So i did, i told God i want Him, more than anything else. And RIGHT at that moment, His Love came down on me, and i felt nothing but His love, comfort and embrace.
Shepherd of my soul, I give You full control,
Wherever You may lead, I will follow.
I have made a choice, To listen for Your voice,
Wherever You may lead, i will Go.
Be it in a quiet pasture, or by a gentle stream,
The Shepherd of my soul is by my side.
May i face a mighty mountain, or a valley dark and deep,
The shepherd of my soul, will be my guide.
I thank God for Marcus. Marcus, Thank you for listening to me, and thank you for asking me to share, and always assuring me that i can talk to you. Talking to you made me feel better :) And it still irritates me that you're leaving in a month's time. >:( We better meet up before you leave ah.
I thank God for Ros. :) Ros, i'm thankful that sometimes, we don't have to say anything when we're with each other, but yet, still feel comforted. I'm thankful that you're so easy to talk to because we understand each other. i'm thankful i can tell you anything and everything and not fear bout you judging me. i'm thankful we can laugh about armpit hair. :)
And Xuan!! :) i'm really sad we can't go OSIP together. i was SO looking forward. if i do get to go, i'd be missing you 3,762,905.79 times everyday. and thank you for reading my brog. and don't worry, :) i am sad, but i'll be fine, because i've got Jesus with me :)
And to all who reads Gennie's Brog, :) tahaha. Thanks for reading!
But i really don't know what to say to that question, or how to answer it. Because i know the truth is, i'm not okay. i hate to admit it, but i know i'm not okay. But i'd have to explain a whole lot of stuff if i were to answer, "No, i'm not really okay. teehee." and.. its only normal to say "i'm fine" to the "Are you okay?" Question. ( And i really feel grateful that that person asks out of concern. but. sometimes, the truth is.. difficult to tell.)
So i decided, i'm just gonna smile and say, i'm fine, don't worry :)
To all you whom i've ignored or given one-worded answers to today, i'm sorry, sincerely.
i'm really tired. and have been tired. Physically, Mentally and emotionally. Its more than just the camps and baking i guess. I believe the Lord's doing something in my Life now, and its just a phase in my spiritual life that i have to go through. i'm thankful God's doing His work in my life, Cause otherwise, i'd be kinda useless.
I thank God that He's teaching me, and guiding me. I thank God for making me feel certain feelings to remind me i should rely on Him, and trust Him.
Just tonight, i was walking home from the MRT station, and i suddenly felt nostalgic, i felt blue. i Hate feeling blue. Its just so... Blooo. Bleh. Blay. Bloh. Blurk. and my mind started to wander, and my heart started to miss certain people i shouldn't be missing. and Right there and then, i told God i didn't want those emotions. i didn't want to feel all moody and sad and Blooo all day. And the Bible says if you seek God, You'll find Him. So i did, i told God i want Him, more than anything else. And RIGHT at that moment, His Love came down on me, and i felt nothing but His love, comfort and embrace.
Shepherd of my soul, I give You full control,
Wherever You may lead, I will follow.
I have made a choice, To listen for Your voice,
Wherever You may lead, i will Go.
Be it in a quiet pasture, or by a gentle stream,
The Shepherd of my soul is by my side.
May i face a mighty mountain, or a valley dark and deep,
The shepherd of my soul, will be my guide.
I thank God for Marcus. Marcus, Thank you for listening to me, and thank you for asking me to share, and always assuring me that i can talk to you. Talking to you made me feel better :) And it still irritates me that you're leaving in a month's time. >:( We better meet up before you leave ah.
I thank God for Ros. :) Ros, i'm thankful that sometimes, we don't have to say anything when we're with each other, but yet, still feel comforted. I'm thankful that you're so easy to talk to because we understand each other. i'm thankful i can tell you anything and everything and not fear bout you judging me. i'm thankful we can laugh about armpit hair. :)
And Xuan!! :) i'm really sad we can't go OSIP together. i was SO looking forward. if i do get to go, i'd be missing you 3,762,905.79 times everyday. and thank you for reading my brog. and don't worry, :) i am sad, but i'll be fine, because i've got Jesus with me :)
And to all who reads Gennie's Brog, :) tahaha. Thanks for reading!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Jesus. Love of my life.
Something happened during MGS camp. And on the third day of camp i finally cried it out with Ros by my side (i Love you Ros.) I know some would say it isn't a bad thing, or it isn't wrong. But, it is. Because the Bible says so.
I felt so convicted. And i know it is nothing more than a spiritual attack. Because i could really sense that i was drawing closer to God, Depending more on Him, Trusting Him more, and Loving Him more. And because i was growing, i got spiritually attacked.
I know, i know. Non-believers would think i'm talking gibber-gubber. But believe me, the Devil is real as can be. Just wait and see.
Logic is, if you're not a threat to the Kingdom of darkness (i.e. Not growing spiritually) why would the devil even bother with you. See. The spiritual Realm is a spooky place. But with God's holy presence, i believe, there's nothing to fear. NOTHING.
Anyway. i was on the cab, still feeling and thinking about everything. and The Holy Ghost brought to mind, what Jackie Pullinger said. She said, Everyone has a race to run, and everyone's race is different. No one said the race would be easy, No one. And of course, it will be difficult, there'll be times where you'll trip, stumble and fall. Its okay to fall, its okay to finish your race with bloody knees. Because what matters is that you pick yourself up, and finish the race for Jesus.
And i teared in the cab, Knowing those were God's exact words for me - "It's okay to fall." i knew i had fallen. i knew it from day one. but i refused to admit it. And when i finally did, i felt so convicted.
My spirit was so broken, when i reached the Church Encounter and felt God's holy presence, i couldn't help but cry. and all i did was cry. and i thank God for my spiritual family who hugged me and cried with me even though they knew not what i was crying about. Thats what a spiritual family is for. They're a bunch of people who'll bring you an umbrella in a storm, and possibly get wet with you.
And truly, for the first time, i truly felt my broken spirit. and i cried. and told God i didn't want whatever it was. i Didn't was whatever it was that happened. And God, hahahha, He truly works wonders.
Whatever it was that happened, I'm healed, restored, and i'm resting in the love of God's embrace.
I confessed whatever there was to confess, and i repented. and i'm forgiven! :D
I know. To all you non-believers, you may think i'm kinda nuts-ish about this Whole God-Jesus Thing. To tell you the truth, i Am. i really am. and i wanna go Nuts about God and Jesus and The Holy Spirit.
You think i'm nuts-ish because you think its only a religion, only a belief, and you feel that way because you think you can work things out with your own strength. But dear friend. Christianity, is not a religion. i know. Tons of people say it. But have you ever considered why they say it?
Because its really really not a religion. Its not a belief. Its a Life. its MY life. I know everyone knows there are stuff you can't control, Aren't you scared that there are things you can't control? Who doesn't like to know that everything is in control? But fact of the matter is. Life doesn't work that way. I know it, and you do too.
And come on, Who doesn't know that Life comes with troubles? Its sort of like a package, isn't it? I'm not saying Life as a Christian would be free-and-easy, trouble-free. No. Who ever said that is lying right smack in your face. and yes, you can laugh at that person's face if he/she tells you that.
Everyone's lives comes with troubles, preiods of depression, financial difficulties, emotional struggles, mental breakdowns, i'm sure there are tons more. Whose life doesn't come with all these added ingredients?
Christians get that crap too, all the time. But we know, we know that there's someone there we can depend on, we know that someone's got our back, we know that that someone will never stab us in the back and run away. And needless to say, that someone is Jesus. So, What harm is there, in knowing someone as good as such?
I thank God for my spiritual Family. Everyone. Aunty Betty ( my Spiritual Mummy.), aunty Sophia, Callie, Nancy, Fiona, Jessie, Soh Eng, Prescilia, Sarah, Amy, Geok Yan, Charlyn, Charon, And auntie Pauline. I'm thankful to all. i know there're more. MUCH MUCH MANY MANY more. i love you all.
(i think this is a long post.)
Sure. there are times i think of the possibility of disobeying God, and do what my emotions tell me to. But then i think about abandoning my faith, and everything else of the world grows faint. Because i cannot imagine my life without Jesus. I just can't. Who am i gonna think about when i wake up in the morning? Where will i be going in life? What are my goals gonna be? What am i gonna do? Who am i gonna talk to when i'm sad? Who do i ask for for friends when i need them? Who's gonna be there when everything else fails? When my friends stab me in the back, when my love ones leave me, when everything else crashes, Who's gonna be there? i can't. i can't imagine a life without Jesus. i just can't.
I'm going to heaven when i die. and i can't wait for that day. i don't think there's anything wrong in saying that. Because that's THE day. Its the day i'm gonna meet Jesus, its the day i'm gonna see His face, its the day.
Something happened during MGS camp. And on the third day of camp i finally cried it out with Ros by my side (i Love you Ros.) I know some would say it isn't a bad thing, or it isn't wrong. But, it is. Because the Bible says so.
I felt so convicted. And i know it is nothing more than a spiritual attack. Because i could really sense that i was drawing closer to God, Depending more on Him, Trusting Him more, and Loving Him more. And because i was growing, i got spiritually attacked.
I know, i know. Non-believers would think i'm talking gibber-gubber. But believe me, the Devil is real as can be. Just wait and see.
Logic is, if you're not a threat to the Kingdom of darkness (i.e. Not growing spiritually) why would the devil even bother with you. See. The spiritual Realm is a spooky place. But with God's holy presence, i believe, there's nothing to fear. NOTHING.
Anyway. i was on the cab, still feeling and thinking about everything. and The Holy Ghost brought to mind, what Jackie Pullinger said. She said, Everyone has a race to run, and everyone's race is different. No one said the race would be easy, No one. And of course, it will be difficult, there'll be times where you'll trip, stumble and fall. Its okay to fall, its okay to finish your race with bloody knees. Because what matters is that you pick yourself up, and finish the race for Jesus.
And i teared in the cab, Knowing those were God's exact words for me - "It's okay to fall." i knew i had fallen. i knew it from day one. but i refused to admit it. And when i finally did, i felt so convicted.
My spirit was so broken, when i reached the Church Encounter and felt God's holy presence, i couldn't help but cry. and all i did was cry. and i thank God for my spiritual family who hugged me and cried with me even though they knew not what i was crying about. Thats what a spiritual family is for. They're a bunch of people who'll bring you an umbrella in a storm, and possibly get wet with you.
And truly, for the first time, i truly felt my broken spirit. and i cried. and told God i didn't want whatever it was. i Didn't was whatever it was that happened. And God, hahahha, He truly works wonders.
Whatever it was that happened, I'm healed, restored, and i'm resting in the love of God's embrace.
I confessed whatever there was to confess, and i repented. and i'm forgiven! :D
I know. To all you non-believers, you may think i'm kinda nuts-ish about this Whole God-Jesus Thing. To tell you the truth, i Am. i really am. and i wanna go Nuts about God and Jesus and The Holy Spirit.
You think i'm nuts-ish because you think its only a religion, only a belief, and you feel that way because you think you can work things out with your own strength. But dear friend. Christianity, is not a religion. i know. Tons of people say it. But have you ever considered why they say it?
Because its really really not a religion. Its not a belief. Its a Life. its MY life. I know everyone knows there are stuff you can't control, Aren't you scared that there are things you can't control? Who doesn't like to know that everything is in control? But fact of the matter is. Life doesn't work that way. I know it, and you do too.
And come on, Who doesn't know that Life comes with troubles? Its sort of like a package, isn't it? I'm not saying Life as a Christian would be free-and-easy, trouble-free. No. Who ever said that is lying right smack in your face. and yes, you can laugh at that person's face if he/she tells you that.
Everyone's lives comes with troubles, preiods of depression, financial difficulties, emotional struggles, mental breakdowns, i'm sure there are tons more. Whose life doesn't come with all these added ingredients?
Christians get that crap too, all the time. But we know, we know that there's someone there we can depend on, we know that someone's got our back, we know that that someone will never stab us in the back and run away. And needless to say, that someone is Jesus. So, What harm is there, in knowing someone as good as such?
I thank God for my spiritual Family. Everyone. Aunty Betty ( my Spiritual Mummy.), aunty Sophia, Callie, Nancy, Fiona, Jessie, Soh Eng, Prescilia, Sarah, Amy, Geok Yan, Charlyn, Charon, And auntie Pauline. I'm thankful to all. i know there're more. MUCH MUCH MANY MANY more. i love you all.
(i think this is a long post.)
Sure. there are times i think of the possibility of disobeying God, and do what my emotions tell me to. But then i think about abandoning my faith, and everything else of the world grows faint. Because i cannot imagine my life without Jesus. I just can't. Who am i gonna think about when i wake up in the morning? Where will i be going in life? What are my goals gonna be? What am i gonna do? Who am i gonna talk to when i'm sad? Who do i ask for for friends when i need them? Who's gonna be there when everything else fails? When my friends stab me in the back, when my love ones leave me, when everything else crashes, Who's gonna be there? i can't. i can't imagine a life without Jesus. i just can't.
I'm going to heaven when i die. and i can't wait for that day. i don't think there's anything wrong in saying that. Because that's THE day. Its the day i'm gonna meet Jesus, its the day i'm gonna see His face, its the day.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
YAYNESS. Blogger is back. seriously. the server's a little Konky. quite frustrating sometimes.
Anyway. This week would be/already is the bee-zee-est (busiest) week of... any random period.
Lets see.
Note: Encounter - something like a church camp. but its more expensive, cos you put up at a hotel. or in this case, YMCA (not too shabby! :D)
Monday - Classes till four. Got materials needed for Church Encounter.
Tuesday (today) - Classes till one. Rushed down to PLMGS for Games Dry run.
Wednesday - Classes till three. To go home, Pack bag (TONS OF STUFF), prepare my prop for Encounter. Rush down to Nanny's to get stuff. Rush down to Ee's to pass some stuff.
Thursday - PLMGS CAMP = Madness, Madness, and More madness.
Friday - Still at PLMGS CAMP! = Tired, and Mad people.
Saturday - PLMGS CAMP until morning. Rush down to Encounter at YMCA.
Sunday - ENCOUNTER! :D possibly, rush down to church for work (if necessary)
So.................................... Big week man.
And i'm doing devotion for second day at PLMGS camp! :D I'm quite pleased about it, cause somehow i feel i'm ready. But i really need need need God's guidance. I think i need Jesus to "ra-ra" the crowd for me. teehee. But i'm really pleased that i volunteered to help Melvin. Cos he seemed pretty.. loaded. :D
But something tells me Melvin will do fine. I think its God telling me that. :)
Thank you Jesus. For Your Unconditional Love, Your Breath of Life which renews us, and above all, The Holy Spirit who is with us every single moment. i love you.
Anyway. This week would be/already is the bee-zee-est (busiest) week of... any random period.
Lets see.
Note: Encounter - something like a church camp. but its more expensive, cos you put up at a hotel. or in this case, YMCA (not too shabby! :D)
Monday - Classes till four. Got materials needed for Church Encounter.
Tuesday (today) - Classes till one. Rushed down to PLMGS for Games Dry run.
Wednesday - Classes till three. To go home, Pack bag (TONS OF STUFF), prepare my prop for Encounter. Rush down to Nanny's to get stuff. Rush down to Ee's to pass some stuff.
Thursday - PLMGS CAMP = Madness, Madness, and More madness.
Friday - Still at PLMGS CAMP! = Tired, and Mad people.
Saturday - PLMGS CAMP until morning. Rush down to Encounter at YMCA.
Sunday - ENCOUNTER! :D possibly, rush down to church for work (if necessary)
So.................................... Big week man.
And i'm doing devotion for second day at PLMGS camp! :D I'm quite pleased about it, cause somehow i feel i'm ready. But i really need need need God's guidance. I think i need Jesus to "ra-ra" the crowd for me. teehee. But i'm really pleased that i volunteered to help Melvin. Cos he seemed pretty.. loaded. :D
But something tells me Melvin will do fine. I think its God telling me that. :)
Thank you Jesus. For Your Unconditional Love, Your Breath of Life which renews us, and above all, The Holy Spirit who is with us every single moment. i love you.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
I never thought you'd be one to break my heart but you did. What's with all your bad habits. I know you know what i'm talking about.
You think we don't know. Or you don't wanna think we know. But we know. Because we're your family dammit.
But i believe. i believe nothing i say will change anything - Until you hit your personal bottom. And when you do, we will still be here. Because we're your family.
I Love you. i love you so much. and i can't bring myself to say it. Please Spare a thought for Papa. We all Love you so much.
i wish. i wish you would talk to me. i'm not gonna point fingers and blame you whatsoever. Just talk to me. and i promise i'll listen.
Because i'm your sister. Your only sister.
You think we don't know. Or you don't wanna think we know. But we know. Because we're your family dammit.
But i believe. i believe nothing i say will change anything - Until you hit your personal bottom. And when you do, we will still be here. Because we're your family.
I Love you. i love you so much. and i can't bring myself to say it. Please Spare a thought for Papa. We all Love you so much.
i wish. i wish you would talk to me. i'm not gonna point fingers and blame you whatsoever. Just talk to me. and i promise i'll listen.
Because i'm your sister. Your only sister.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
This is post is dedicated to the LomIG Exco. :D
I think. we are really great :D (yes i'm being big headed) but i think this MainComm is what it is today because of every single one in that picture below.
And this picture. is Love <3.

So here's to (Left to right):
(Back) KaChee. Felicia. Eve. Gek. Karen. Myself. Dean Dear.
(Front) Nat. Smantee. Jessie. Hanqian. Yuwen.
I think. we are really great :D (yes i'm being big headed) but i think this MainComm is what it is today because of every single one in that picture below.
And this picture. is Love <3.

So here's to (Left to right):
(Back) KaChee. Felicia. Eve. Gek. Karen. Myself. Dean Dear.
(Front) Nat. Smantee. Jessie. Hanqian. Yuwen.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Lets hear what happened at the clinic:
Me: bla bla.. Still on medication for throat infection.. bla bla bla.. Not completed my course of antibiotics.
Doc: O. in that case, you stop that course of antibiotics, and i'll give you another course - for your eyes.
Me: O....................................................... okay.
(Alot more talking.)
Me: So i can still go to school as usual? There's nothing i cannot do right?
Doc: NO. You cannot go out, Cause Conjunc can spread, its contagious. i think 3 days of rest is enough.
Me: O......................................................... okay.
DARN. i really really really don't wanna miss school anymore. so i've just decided. i'm going to school tmr. and i shall warn everyone not to touch their eyes before washing their hands. i don't want my conjunc to spread.
Anyway. Today. i thought it would be safer for me to stay home. so i did. missed church :(
I had nothing to do. so i randomly dragged out my photo albums and started flipping through. I saw.
Many pictures. Pictures of my mum. My dad. myself. my brother. my dog. my GrandmaS. my cousins. and everyone else.
And i just started reminiscing. i realised i miss my mum so much. its been 4, 5 years since she went home. and i know there were times i really missed her. i remembered, a few months after she passed away, and the aftermath was coming at my family full blast. i cried myself to sleep almost every night for a few weeks, hugging my bolster, missing my mummy's goodnight kisses, her laughs, her nagging, her hugs, her. i miss how she would switch off my bedroom lights, walk over to kiss me goodnight, and sometimes she'd lie with me on my bed till i fall asleep.
So. i was just sitting there in my living room with several stacks of dusty photo albums, and i started to cry to myself.
Then i came across photos of the first holiday we took as a family with my maternal aunt and her family. It was the first holiday without mummy. It was the holiday we all needed - to finally take a break, and catch our breaths. I didn't realise it was that particular holiday at first, and i was wondering, How come there aren't shots of my mum. and then it hit me. She was probably in the wind, messing up our hairs.
I was Fourteen when she passed away. Actually 13, she passed a month before my 14th birthday. God, i miss her. I was her Bahbah. and she gave me that name (to all you who call me Bahbah.).
And i'm quite relieved that not one person has ever said "i know how you feel" to me regarding this before. Because, if you haven't lost a mum, you don't know. I thank God i'm not one of those who can't talk about what happened or can't face the truth. I'm open :) if you wanna know more just ask. Its okay. And don't apologise. There's really nothing to be sorry about. Seriously.
Sometimes i think, if mummy didn't pass away. Everything would be different. Everything. But no, :) it was God's will. and i thank God for it. no that i want mummy to die. But, i'm seeing a teensy bit of God's big plan. And. God doesn't make mistakes. *phew*
I know. When people complain about their mummy-s. i know. sometimes mummy-s can be annoying. mine was too! (sometimes la.) (and sometimes i'd really really get angry with her.) but then She's your mummy :) i believe its a divine arrangement that she's your mother. So. you can get angry slash annoyed, whatever. At the end of the day, YOU KNOW nothings gonna change, She's still there. and She will be there. so Love her.
Me to mummy: Mummy i miss you so much. and i really really can't wait to see you again. You must remember me okay. Don't play with the clouds in heaven so much you forget me. I love you. -Bahbah.
Me: bla bla.. Still on medication for throat infection.. bla bla bla.. Not completed my course of antibiotics.
Doc: O. in that case, you stop that course of antibiotics, and i'll give you another course - for your eyes.
Me: O....................................................... okay.
(Alot more talking.)
Me: So i can still go to school as usual? There's nothing i cannot do right?
Doc: NO. You cannot go out, Cause Conjunc can spread, its contagious. i think 3 days of rest is enough.
Me: O......................................................... okay.
DARN. i really really really don't wanna miss school anymore. so i've just decided. i'm going to school tmr. and i shall warn everyone not to touch their eyes before washing their hands. i don't want my conjunc to spread.
Anyway. Today. i thought it would be safer for me to stay home. so i did. missed church :(
I had nothing to do. so i randomly dragged out my photo albums and started flipping through. I saw.
Many pictures. Pictures of my mum. My dad. myself. my brother. my dog. my GrandmaS. my cousins. and everyone else.
And i just started reminiscing. i realised i miss my mum so much. its been 4, 5 years since she went home. and i know there were times i really missed her. i remembered, a few months after she passed away, and the aftermath was coming at my family full blast. i cried myself to sleep almost every night for a few weeks, hugging my bolster, missing my mummy's goodnight kisses, her laughs, her nagging, her hugs, her. i miss how she would switch off my bedroom lights, walk over to kiss me goodnight, and sometimes she'd lie with me on my bed till i fall asleep.
So. i was just sitting there in my living room with several stacks of dusty photo albums, and i started to cry to myself.
Then i came across photos of the first holiday we took as a family with my maternal aunt and her family. It was the first holiday without mummy. It was the holiday we all needed - to finally take a break, and catch our breaths. I didn't realise it was that particular holiday at first, and i was wondering, How come there aren't shots of my mum. and then it hit me. She was probably in the wind, messing up our hairs.
I was Fourteen when she passed away. Actually 13, she passed a month before my 14th birthday. God, i miss her. I was her Bahbah. and she gave me that name (to all you who call me Bahbah.).
And i'm quite relieved that not one person has ever said "i know how you feel" to me regarding this before. Because, if you haven't lost a mum, you don't know. I thank God i'm not one of those who can't talk about what happened or can't face the truth. I'm open :) if you wanna know more just ask. Its okay. And don't apologise. There's really nothing to be sorry about. Seriously.
Sometimes i think, if mummy didn't pass away. Everything would be different. Everything. But no, :) it was God's will. and i thank God for it. no that i want mummy to die. But, i'm seeing a teensy bit of God's big plan. And. God doesn't make mistakes. *phew*
I know. When people complain about their mummy-s. i know. sometimes mummy-s can be annoying. mine was too! (sometimes la.) (and sometimes i'd really really get angry with her.) but then She's your mummy :) i believe its a divine arrangement that she's your mother. So. you can get angry slash annoyed, whatever. At the end of the day, YOU KNOW nothings gonna change, She's still there. and She will be there. so Love her.
Me to mummy: Mummy i miss you so much. and i really really can't wait to see you again. You must remember me okay. Don't play with the clouds in heaven so much you forget me. I love you. -Bahbah.

Thursday, May 3, 2007
Kay. Throat infection, so i can't sing. DARn. i miss singing. and no, don't really care what anyone thinks of my singing. Heh. i sing for Jesus! :D
Anyway. i'm praying that my throat infection won't evolve into Pneumonia. Cos the last time it did. and PNEUMONIA SUCKS. stupid foggy lung.
I wanna share this song. Its a really really special song (to me). Because the first time i heard it, i fell in love with it. But its such an unknown song - No one knows it :( so i couldn't share my joy. And then once, i was talking over the phone with my boyfriend of sec 3, with the song playing on the background, and he heard it, and he said he knew and Liked that song playing in the background. And that Made my day. and of course, it Made more than one day :D. And That boyfriend is special :) Really. Special. :)
So Anyway, its by Savage Garden, Entitled Two Beds and a Coffee Machine: (Enjoy!)
Anyway. i'm praying that my throat infection won't evolve into Pneumonia. Cos the last time it did. and PNEUMONIA SUCKS. stupid foggy lung.
I wanna share this song. Its a really really special song (to me). Because the first time i heard it, i fell in love with it. But its such an unknown song - No one knows it :( so i couldn't share my joy. And then once, i was talking over the phone with my boyfriend of sec 3, with the song playing on the background, and he heard it, and he said he knew and Liked that song playing in the background. And that Made my day. and of course, it Made more than one day :D. And That boyfriend is special :) Really. Special. :)
So Anyway, its by Savage Garden, Entitled Two Beds and a Coffee Machine: (Enjoy!)
And she takes another step
Slowly she opens the door
Check that he is sleeping
Pick up all the broken glass
and furniture on the floor
Been up half the night screaming
now it's time to get away
Pack up the kids in the car
Another bruise to try and hide
Another alibi to write
Another ditch in the road
You keep moving
Another stop sign
You keep moving on
And the years go by so fast
Wonder how I ever made it through
And there are children to think of
Baby's asleep in the backseat
Wonder how they'll ever make it
through this living nightmare
But the mind is an amazing Thing
Full of candy dreams and new toys and
another cheap hotel
Two beds and a coffee machine
But there are groceries to buy
And she knows she'll have to go homeChorus
Another ditch in the road
You keep moving
Another stop sign
You keep moving on
And the years go by so fast
Wonder how I ever made it through
Gennie Loves you :)
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Let me first begin with a shout, such as:
some FYIs, Maximum Ride is a trilogy by James Patterson. (I HEART JP) and yes. i truly enjoy JP's Books. I think, for me, its truly (Horrendously) Difficult to be able to read a book, and FOLLOW THROUGH. Its just difficult la.
and i read at an amazingly slow speed. like that time i was reading Dan Brown's Digital Fortress, i finished it in like 2 weeks or so, and i thought that was super duper fast since it was the fastest i had ever read. So i (Proudly, ahem) told my boyfriend (then) that i finished the book in 2 weeks. And he said, nonchalantly, "i finished it in 2 days dear." And later, i found out that most of my friends who read Digital Fortress finished it within 3 days tops. :(
Anyway. i love love love love love love love love James Patterson's Books. LOVE. They are absolutely page-turners. and sO ADDICTIVE!
In case you don't know JP's genre of stories, he writes thrillers. Mostly Murder/Detective stories. some "Scenes" are quite Gory. Ma-Ma-Mi-ah. (Not that i like Gore. No. i don't really like it.) and i love how his chapters are not longer than 2-3 pages. keeps it brief and nice.
ANYWAY. MAXIMUM RIDE. i'm currently on my second book. and YAY! for the first time i finished a book in 2 days! TWO DAYS!. thats got to be some sort of record or what.
Okay okay. i did it in 2 days because i had a fever last night and the whole of today. thats why i stayed home. And when you're having a fever you get the body aches and head aches, and nausea, and empty stomach, and body aches, and head aches, and O, the fever itself, and feeling cold, feeling hot, feeling bleh-y.
There's nothing much one can do with all that extra baggage. And so. most of the time i'm on my back in my bed, reading MAXIMUM RIDE! and now that i'm done with it, i'm not really happy with myself.
HOW CAN I FINISH IT SO FAST. :< Too dang fast. Now i'm lost. cos there's nothing to do. and i don't read books twice. (Whats the point in reading a book twice?! you know the plot AND the ending. and you've already read it before!!)
So. i'm still feverish. So. So. so. i don't think i'm going school tmr. Shoot. Mr Selwyn Lim's gonna nag me again. -_-
AND yesterday. i went out with Choy and Ros. my two loves. <3
And i did the DiSC test again since there were old ones. AND MY O MY. MY PERSONALITY HAS CHANGED. and this change is just... weird, i think.
Lets see. my first graph (Public Self, or your Mask) says I-S. Which is normal. :D thats me.
BUT my second graph (Private Self) (Means who i really am), says S-C-I. THATS SO DIFFERENT.
All my three graphs used to be I-S. I've changed so much!! to think my S and C (even) is higher than my I. shock shock shock. And as Mika would sing, Shock Shock Me, Shock Shock Me. (Love today)
okay. if you don't know the DiSC thing, All of the above i just Bla-ed would sound like Hippopotamuses Haw-hee-ing in your head.
And. i'm lazy. and i can't be bothered to explain the whole DiSC thing here. so i'd do it again some other time.
O YAY! Papa just called to take my dinner order to buy food back for me. Lets see.
Today i've eaten
1. two cups of Homemade Barley (BLEAH)
2. 3 Crackers (throat was screaming in pain so i had to stop.)
3. one mouth of milo (Stupid fever made me feel nauseous. so i threw the whole cup away.)
4. 3 Braised Peanuts. (ALL my efforts into opening that can. and then 3 nuts and i felt nauseous. AM I PREGNANT OR WAHT)
5. Nothing else.
Thats one Hell Of an appetite Bay-beh!. :D
Okay. i'm gonna bathe, again. Blah.
Byebye you! :D (And, you must be really free to read all the above i've just randomly typed. Have a good day! :D)
some FYIs, Maximum Ride is a trilogy by James Patterson. (I HEART JP) and yes. i truly enjoy JP's Books. I think, for me, its truly (Horrendously) Difficult to be able to read a book, and FOLLOW THROUGH. Its just difficult la.
and i read at an amazingly slow speed. like that time i was reading Dan Brown's Digital Fortress, i finished it in like 2 weeks or so, and i thought that was super duper fast since it was the fastest i had ever read. So i (Proudly, ahem) told my boyfriend (then) that i finished the book in 2 weeks. And he said, nonchalantly, "i finished it in 2 days dear." And later, i found out that most of my friends who read Digital Fortress finished it within 3 days tops. :(
Anyway. i love love love love love love love love James Patterson's Books. LOVE. They are absolutely page-turners. and sO ADDICTIVE!
In case you don't know JP's genre of stories, he writes thrillers. Mostly Murder/Detective stories. some "Scenes" are quite Gory. Ma-Ma-Mi-ah. (Not that i like Gore. No. i don't really like it.) and i love how his chapters are not longer than 2-3 pages. keeps it brief and nice.
ANYWAY. MAXIMUM RIDE. i'm currently on my second book. and YAY! for the first time i finished a book in 2 days! TWO DAYS!. thats got to be some sort of record or what.
Okay okay. i did it in 2 days because i had a fever last night and the whole of today. thats why i stayed home. And when you're having a fever you get the body aches and head aches, and nausea, and empty stomach, and body aches, and head aches, and O, the fever itself, and feeling cold, feeling hot, feeling bleh-y.
There's nothing much one can do with all that extra baggage. And so. most of the time i'm on my back in my bed, reading MAXIMUM RIDE! and now that i'm done with it, i'm not really happy with myself.
HOW CAN I FINISH IT SO FAST. :< Too dang fast. Now i'm lost. cos there's nothing to do. and i don't read books twice. (Whats the point in reading a book twice?! you know the plot AND the ending. and you've already read it before!!)
So. i'm still feverish. So. So. so. i don't think i'm going school tmr. Shoot. Mr Selwyn Lim's gonna nag me again. -_-
AND yesterday. i went out with Choy and Ros. my two loves. <3
And i did the DiSC test again since there were old ones. AND MY O MY. MY PERSONALITY HAS CHANGED. and this change is just... weird, i think.
Lets see. my first graph (Public Self, or your Mask) says I-S. Which is normal. :D thats me.
BUT my second graph (Private Self) (Means who i really am), says S-C-I. THATS SO DIFFERENT.
All my three graphs used to be I-S. I've changed so much!! to think my S and C (even) is higher than my I. shock shock shock. And as Mika would sing, Shock Shock Me, Shock Shock Me. (Love today)
okay. if you don't know the DiSC thing, All of the above i just Bla-ed would sound like Hippopotamuses Haw-hee-ing in your head.
And. i'm lazy. and i can't be bothered to explain the whole DiSC thing here. so i'd do it again some other time.
O YAY! Papa just called to take my dinner order to buy food back for me. Lets see.
Today i've eaten
1. two cups of Homemade Barley (BLEAH)
2. 3 Crackers (throat was screaming in pain so i had to stop.)
3. one mouth of milo (Stupid fever made me feel nauseous. so i threw the whole cup away.)
4. 3 Braised Peanuts. (ALL my efforts into opening that can. and then 3 nuts and i felt nauseous. AM I PREGNANT OR WAHT)
5. Nothing else.
Thats one Hell Of an appetite Bay-beh!. :D
Okay. i'm gonna bathe, again. Blah.
Byebye you! :D (And, you must be really free to read all the above i've just randomly typed. Have a good day! :D)
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