Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Losses are hard to deal with

It seems as though everyone is leaving - people i care about, people who are dear to me.

Then i ask myself, why - why do i get emotionally attached so easily?

Not talking about Boy-Girl Relationships and all that. But even with objects and inanimate things, Why do i develop a dependence for earthly things so easily.

Every loss is hard to take, and i have had my own fair share of losses. People at work ask if i miss my mum - Of course i do. Every single day. I miss her. And they give me the sad face everytime i reply.

Psalm 103

"For He knows how weak we are,
He remembers we are only dust.
Our lives are like wildflowers;
Like grass - we bloom and die.
But the love of the Lord remains forever."

The bible says that the Lord will not put me through any test that is too difficult for me. And i believe that - with all my heart and soul.

I have many friends who are going through periods of testing - and it has resulted in alot of struggling and heartaches.

Let this be an encouragement.

Know that whatever test you're going through is put in place only to strengthen and mold you. God will not put you through an exam He knows you can't handle. So as tough as the "tough times" are, be encouraged, because God knows you're stronger than that! :)