Saturday, May 24, 2008

All in a Noot-shell

So much has happened.

Graduation was wonderful. I thank my brother for coming. At first i was still thinking, maybe it would be better if he didn't go - its so inconvenient for him to travel so far, and it would be a boring ceremony for him.

Then after the ceremony was over, i was glad that i had family with me :)

So, Thank you Kor <3

Anyway, after Graduation and TONS of photo-taking. We (Gavin, Aaron, Gek, Nat and Myself.) met for dinner at La Mei Zi - MA LA HOTPOT!

It was time well spent. :) We ate and ate and ate. and drank. and wiped. (wiped off perspiration from our brow). It was wonderful. I enjoyed myself. After that we headed next door to HK Cafe to indulge in some REALLY good Milk Tea and Coffee and Bolo Buns. <3 Lovely.

Graduation has left me feeling accomplished but a little bit scared. Scared of the future, scared of leaving my comfort zone, scared that I won't be in contact with my Polymates. But i'm sure the Good Lord sees my fears, and He knows my fears. :)

Yesterday (at work), we were supposed to prepare for a physical simulation of the entire process flow (Information, Goods, and Documents) for the new warehouse. The Customer was supposed to arrive at 4, but they only came at 4.30pm. We dragged on and on and on till 7.45pm. Yes, OT.

And as i was playing with the system, there were SOO many errors - my goodness. NOT ACCEPTABLE. Especially when you're demonstrating to your customers. Tsk tsk tsk. So worrisome.

And then the IT dept keep promising the customer everything will be done by today. by today. by today. And today we're only working half day. WHERE ARE WE GONNA FIND TIME.
