Saturday, February 23, 2008

Supply Chain Execution Development Program 2008

Yes thats right, supplychain Execution.

For the past 3 days we've been learning Supply Chain the Execution style *smirk*

No, no, no la. Supply Chain Executive Development Program.

It was a great experience! I learnt quite a fair bit. Not so much of the technical knowledge, but i learnt more of the .. Life-skills involved. The importance of networking, having a mentor, greatness of knowing Paul (hahaha), and the likes.

I thank Paul, for allowing us to sit in for this training even though we didn't pay for it. I'm so thankful, because i met great people there. I'm not gonna stop networking with these people because i know, someday, i'm gonna have to bank on these networks that i've built for myself.

Okay, due to the severe lack of sleep and rest, my throat is scratchy, i think my head feels a little hot, my tummy is rumbling, and je suis tres fatigue. I'm still amazed at how i wasn't late for the past 3 days of training! it sounds almost impossible! Its amazing! then again, maybe its because everyone was late and i was the least late. Which makes it seem like i wasn't late, but in fact I totally was/am/are/is/what?!.

Okay. okay. I need to go kick my own butt. :) Lovely.