Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Something good is ending. Something good is ending.

Hmmm. Time check: 9.50pm

In less than twelve hours i'd be taking my last paper that will, once and for all, conclude Polytechnic Education. Poly has been wonderful - good days (i've had tons.), bad days (not so many.) I truly loved Poly life. Don't get me wrong, i loved my secondary school life too, i loved it to bits. But Poly, is a whole different thing. It in itself is like a story - how people met, how things happened, how more people met, how more things happened. And of course, how we all juiced for Gossip (Debbie juiced for real juice though. And Veggies.)

I thank God that i actually know what i want to do after Poly. Never have i known my direction so well. It actually feels quite good because i know of so many people who know not what they want. I'm grateful.

Poly has been wonderful. I can say it 3,725 times, and it won't be enough. I met some really good people. And through it all, God has shown me how faithful and O-My-God He is.

I remember when i just started Poly, i prayed for a good friend - a friend who will meet my needs, a friend whom i know i can count on when things get rough, a friend who will take me for me. I prayed for one, God gave me a whole gang. :)

I remember i prayed that i would enjoy whatever i study and find meaning in it. I got what i prayed for, and never in my entire 2 years have i regretted taking Logistics. Never. I'm happy i did, because through this course, i got to go to Bangkok, i got to go Vietnam (and had the BEST time), i got to meet Paul, I got to meet my gang, i got to meet my LOM course mates, i got to indulge in Pork-chop-all-fries-more-gravy, i got to meet some of the biggest people in the Supply Chain Industry. And, i got to see and learn and know how faithful my God is.

I love Poly life. It has truly been one of the best periods of my life.

For that, i give my biggest thanks to:
- GAG & gang: Aaron, Gavin, Xuan, Gek, Nat, Debbie
- LOMIG Main Comm: Dean, Eve, Sam, Kachee, Gek, Nat, Yuwen, Felicia, Karen, Hanqian, Jessie
- LOM lecturers: Thats everyone :)
- LOM coursemates: And more of Everyone :)
- All my project groupees: Ooo. this one tests my memory, but nevertheless :)
- All Vietnameses i met: OOOOooo. *refers to previous postsssss*
- And of course, God - the almighty, Alpha and Omega, my fortress, my hiding place, my best friend, my teacher, my comforter, my provider, my all in all.

To all whose category i've missed out on, I STILL LOVE AND THANK YOU <3