Hmmm. Time check: 9.50pm
In less than twelve hours i'd be taking my last paper that will, once and for all, conclude Polytechnic Education. Poly has been wonderful - good days (i've had tons.), bad days (not so many.) I truly loved Poly life. Don't get me wrong, i loved my secondary school life too, i loved it to bits. But Poly, is a whole different thing. It in itself is like a story - how people met, how things happened, how more people met, how more things happened. And of course, how we all juiced for Gossip (Debbie juiced for real juice though. And Veggies.)
I thank God that i actually know what i want to do after Poly. Never have i known my direction so well. It actually feels quite good because i know of so many people who know not what they want. I'm grateful.
Poly has been wonderful. I can say it 3,725 times, and it won't be enough. I met some really good people. And through it all, God has shown me how faithful and O-My-God He is.
I remember when i just started Poly, i prayed for a good friend - a friend who will meet my needs, a friend whom i know i can count on when things get rough, a friend who will take me for me. I prayed for one, God gave me a whole gang. :)
I remember i prayed that i would enjoy whatever i study and find meaning in it. I got what i prayed for, and never in my entire 2 years have i regretted taking Logistics. Never. I'm happy i did, because through this course, i got to go to Bangkok, i got to go Vietnam (and had the BEST time), i got to meet Paul, I got to meet my gang, i got to meet my LOM course mates, i got to indulge in Pork-chop-all-fries-more-gravy, i got to meet some of the biggest people in the Supply Chain Industry. And, i got to see and learn and know how faithful my God is.
I love Poly life. It has truly been one of the best periods of my life.
For that, i give my biggest thanks to:
- GAG & gang: Aaron, Gavin, Xuan, Gek, Nat, Debbie
- LOMIG Main Comm: Dean, Eve, Sam, Kachee, Gek, Nat, Yuwen, Felicia, Karen, Hanqian, Jessie
- LOM lecturers: Thats everyone :)
- LOM coursemates: And more of Everyone :)
- All my project groupees: Ooo. this one tests my memory, but nevertheless :)
- All Vietnameses i met: OOOOooo. *refers to previous postsssss*
- And of course, God - the almighty, Alpha and Omega, my fortress, my hiding place, my best friend, my teacher, my comforter, my provider, my all in all.
To all whose category i've missed out on, I STILL LOVE AND THANK YOU <3
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Just let me do my thing.
I believe in personalization. I believe in having your own style, and i don't judge people for having their own styles, their own language, their own talk, their own do-s. I have my own. And i hate it when people reproduce me. Stop it. I'll hammer you with my ASRS. (thats Logistics Lingo.) (HAHAH! Whatever, it doesn't even make sense.)
Anyway. I'm gonna go dance now. Its my only stress outlet when no one's at home.
Anyway. I'm gonna go dance now. Its my only stress outlet when no one's at home.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Supply Chain Execution Development Program 2008
Yes thats right, supplychain Execution.
For the past 3 days we've been learning Supply Chain the Execution style *smirk*
No, no, no la. Supply Chain Executive Development Program.
It was a great experience! I learnt quite a fair bit. Not so much of the technical knowledge, but i learnt more of the .. Life-skills involved. The importance of networking, having a mentor, greatness of knowing Paul (hahaha), and the likes.
I thank Paul, for allowing us to sit in for this training even though we didn't pay for it. I'm so thankful, because i met great people there. I'm not gonna stop networking with these people because i know, someday, i'm gonna have to bank on these networks that i've built for myself.
Okay, due to the severe lack of sleep and rest, my throat is scratchy, i think my head feels a little hot, my tummy is rumbling, and je suis tres fatigue. I'm still amazed at how i wasn't late for the past 3 days of training! it sounds almost impossible! Its amazing! then again, maybe its because everyone was late and i was the least late. Which makes it seem like i wasn't late, but in fact I totally was/am/are/is/what?!.
Okay. okay. I need to go kick my own butt. :) Lovely.
For the past 3 days we've been learning Supply Chain the Execution style *smirk*
No, no, no la. Supply Chain Executive Development Program.
It was a great experience! I learnt quite a fair bit. Not so much of the technical knowledge, but i learnt more of the .. Life-skills involved. The importance of networking, having a mentor, greatness of knowing Paul (hahaha), and the likes.
I thank Paul, for allowing us to sit in for this training even though we didn't pay for it. I'm so thankful, because i met great people there. I'm not gonna stop networking with these people because i know, someday, i'm gonna have to bank on these networks that i've built for myself.
Okay, due to the severe lack of sleep and rest, my throat is scratchy, i think my head feels a little hot, my tummy is rumbling, and je suis tres fatigue. I'm still amazed at how i wasn't late for the past 3 days of training! it sounds almost impossible! Its amazing! then again, maybe its because everyone was late and i was the least late. Which makes it seem like i wasn't late, but in fact I totally was/am/are/is/what?!.
Okay. okay. I need to go kick my own butt. :) Lovely.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Don't come back just to haunt and scare the living lights out of me.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Vee-ay-el-yee-an-tee-ai-an-yi aprostrophe es.
This year's Valentine's day was GRRREAT! :)
Went out with Gavin and Aaron, my fellow egg-yolkers. We had Ma La Hotpot at Novena, its was so good - but the only thing i don't like about it, was that.... your poop following the meal will be piping hot.
Thats a little bit of information that is vital, so that you won't go into shock when you visit de toilette to find a burning butt.
As hot as all our poops were, we had a great time. Altho poor Gavin had a very bad bladder/tummy. And after we finished our hotpot, we proceeded next door - Hong Kong Cafe!
We had tea and coffee and Aaron ordered Bo-Luo Buns which were tres delicious! :D
And we talked about dogs, animal abusers, news, some people, brothers and sisters.
Then, this really weird couple came and sat beside us. The man was a very small and dark man, the lady was old - about 50+. She had braces on, and a frangipani flower in her hair. And she was wearing this sexy black halter dress. Very very weird.
:) Anyhow, i had fun. And i bought James Patterson's 4th of July.
This has been an extremely boring post. So, Tam Biet! Au Revoir! :)
Went out with Gavin and Aaron, my fellow egg-yolkers. We had Ma La Hotpot at Novena, its was so good - but the only thing i don't like about it, was that.... your poop following the meal will be piping hot.
Thats a little bit of information that is vital, so that you won't go into shock when you visit de toilette to find a burning butt.
As hot as all our poops were, we had a great time. Altho poor Gavin had a very bad bladder/tummy. And after we finished our hotpot, we proceeded next door - Hong Kong Cafe!
We had tea and coffee and Aaron ordered Bo-Luo Buns which were tres delicious! :D
And we talked about dogs, animal abusers, news, some people, brothers and sisters.
Then, this really weird couple came and sat beside us. The man was a very small and dark man, the lady was old - about 50+. She had braces on, and a frangipani flower in her hair. And she was wearing this sexy black halter dress. Very very weird.
:) Anyhow, i had fun. And i bought James Patterson's 4th of July.
This has been an extremely boring post. So, Tam Biet! Au Revoir! :)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
O Come on, come on.
Don't keep me sandwiched. Its like.....
okay, i can't think of any good analogies. So, let me go meet up with GAG first.
Don't keep me sandwiched. Its like.....
okay, i can't think of any good analogies. So, let me go meet up with GAG first.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Something's Wrong. With me

I don't know why, i just don't feel comfortable with you.
Maybe its because you've changed, or at least, i felt you've changed.
You used to know what you want. You used to stand strong, like an unwavering tree.
But a gust came along.
I know that gust, i know.
Trust me, when i say i know.
I feel like I've lost you.
I've lost you, my friend.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
This is one of the MANY MANY reasons why i love animals more than Humans.
Judge me, however you want, on my language, my thoughts, my disgusting ways of expressing myself. Whatever, i don't give a fuck. As Zachary said it, this world is rotten. Rotten to its very core.
This post is meant for bear bile consumers. or anyone.
In all honesty I have to confess that i was once a bear bile consumer. My parents have heard that bear bile can cure my asthma when i was young and hence they purchased some for my consumption when we visited China. No, i'm not blaming my parents. I thank them for taking such good care of me. I can only blame me - for not educating myself to know the origins of bear bile. I can only blame myself for not knowing how the bile was collected and how much the bears have to suffer just because of my wheezing. I hate that I was a consumer, I feel so sick. If i can vomit whatever i've consumed from 12 years ago, i would. I am disgusted at myself for even visiting a shop that sells bear bile. I feel sick. I feel disgusted. I feel angry and sad. For that -even though nothing's gonna change- i am sorry. I am sorry. I am truly, truly sorry.
I honestly think that consumers of bear bile should have their own bile milked in the very same manner the milking was done on the bear. Have you any idea how painful the process is? have you ANY idea how SICK AND CRUEL the milking process is?
Educate yourselves. you can click here, here, here.
I don't even know where to begin. I feel sick, sick to my stomach, sick in my heart. So sick i don't even care about my committments in Singapore. i really don't care. if i can, i'd leave everything and fly off to China or Vietnam to save some bears. Say i'm dramatic and over exaggerating everything. Whatever, try having your bile milked the same way, when you start screaming, banging your head against the cage which is so small you can't turn or move, or when you start chewing on your own hands to distract yourself from the pain, or when your fingers get chopped off because you try to defend yourself from the milkers, please, please, just tell me not to DRAMATISE.
The procedure itself is pure torture. The living conditions are horrific and depressing. It can't get any sicker. It seriously can't.
Modern medicine has proven that Bear Bile DOES NOT improve medical conditions, it doesn't help the human body, and it has no effect on humans at all, SO WHY CAN'T THE BEAR FARMING STOP.
to those people who use/buy shampoos with bear bile as one of the ingredients, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU. is your hair THAT important that you are willing to allow bears to go through such torture? JUST FOR YOUR FUCKING HAIR?
Let me show you some excerpts.
Okay forget it, i don't even feel like showing excerpts because i'd end up quoting the entire article.
I couldn't help myself, but i just had to learn more about this. And so i happened to chance upon a website and dared myself to look at some of the pictures. if you want to, just google something along the lines of "Milking of Bear Bile". I'm sure search engines will churn out something.
You can be indifferent towards this issue, you can choose not to care. But Please, I plead with you, Don't consume or patronise shops that sell or promote Bear Bile. Don't, because bears are suffering. They are suffering for a "medicine" that can easily be replaced by 54 other kinds of herbs. So please, Don't.
I have decided, i'm gonna save alot of money so that i can help the associations fighting to save the bears. For that, i will not go for the Jeff Chang Concert. I know its not a big gesture. But while i'm still working on my plans, i'll start small.
I will not stand by, helplessly. I will not stand by and watch. I will do something about this.
To the bears who died because of this inhumane practice,
I am truly sorry. Please be happy in heaven, and look after your fellow bears who are still suffering. Please tell them not to chew on their own paws, please comfort them and keep them from loneliness, despair and mental anxiety. If you can smack some Bile-milkers from heaven, please do so, I'm sure God will allow it.
This post is meant for bear bile consumers. or anyone.
In all honesty I have to confess that i was once a bear bile consumer. My parents have heard that bear bile can cure my asthma when i was young and hence they purchased some for my consumption when we visited China. No, i'm not blaming my parents. I thank them for taking such good care of me. I can only blame me - for not educating myself to know the origins of bear bile. I can only blame myself for not knowing how the bile was collected and how much the bears have to suffer just because of my wheezing. I hate that I was a consumer, I feel so sick. If i can vomit whatever i've consumed from 12 years ago, i would. I am disgusted at myself for even visiting a shop that sells bear bile. I feel sick. I feel disgusted. I feel angry and sad. For that -even though nothing's gonna change- i am sorry. I am sorry. I am truly, truly sorry.
I honestly think that consumers of bear bile should have their own bile milked in the very same manner the milking was done on the bear. Have you any idea how painful the process is? have you ANY idea how SICK AND CRUEL the milking process is?
Educate yourselves. you can click here, here, here.
I don't even know where to begin. I feel sick, sick to my stomach, sick in my heart. So sick i don't even care about my committments in Singapore. i really don't care. if i can, i'd leave everything and fly off to China or Vietnam to save some bears. Say i'm dramatic and over exaggerating everything. Whatever, try having your bile milked the same way, when you start screaming, banging your head against the cage which is so small you can't turn or move, or when you start chewing on your own hands to distract yourself from the pain, or when your fingers get chopped off because you try to defend yourself from the milkers, please, please, just tell me not to DRAMATISE.
The procedure itself is pure torture. The living conditions are horrific and depressing. It can't get any sicker. It seriously can't.
Modern medicine has proven that Bear Bile DOES NOT improve medical conditions, it doesn't help the human body, and it has no effect on humans at all, SO WHY CAN'T THE BEAR FARMING STOP.
to those people who use/buy shampoos with bear bile as one of the ingredients, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU. is your hair THAT important that you are willing to allow bears to go through such torture? JUST FOR YOUR FUCKING HAIR?
Let me show you some excerpts.
Okay forget it, i don't even feel like showing excerpts because i'd end up quoting the entire article.
I couldn't help myself, but i just had to learn more about this. And so i happened to chance upon a website and dared myself to look at some of the pictures. if you want to, just google something along the lines of "Milking of Bear Bile". I'm sure search engines will churn out something.
You can be indifferent towards this issue, you can choose not to care. But Please, I plead with you, Don't consume or patronise shops that sell or promote Bear Bile. Don't, because bears are suffering. They are suffering for a "medicine" that can easily be replaced by 54 other kinds of herbs. So please, Don't.
I have decided, i'm gonna save alot of money so that i can help the associations fighting to save the bears. For that, i will not go for the Jeff Chang Concert. I know its not a big gesture. But while i'm still working on my plans, i'll start small.
I will not stand by, helplessly. I will not stand by and watch. I will do something about this.
To the bears who died because of this inhumane practice,
I am truly sorry. Please be happy in heaven, and look after your fellow bears who are still suffering. Please tell them not to chew on their own paws, please comfort them and keep them from loneliness, despair and mental anxiety. If you can smack some Bile-milkers from heaven, please do so, I'm sure God will allow it.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Some pictures from the whole CNY Bonanza

Thats my table before spring cleaning.

Thats my table during spring cleaning.
Note: Vinne the Vacuum Cleaner! :D

Thats Papa making Pineapple tarts.

Thats my work of art: Pineapple Squares to be used as filling for the Pineapple tarts.

Thats the first few batches of Tarts waiting to be cooled.

Thats some very nice tarts.
Things to do with Festivities
God Bless my CNY Shopping! :D I hope i get to find Good buys.
Just yesterday during dinner/coffee with Aaron, i was telling him about my CNY shopping, and i mentioned that i wanna get a jumper - so that i don't have to think of what to wear when i go for tutorials and lectures.
Then, i suddenly remembered, since there aren't classes this week, we only have one more week of tutorials and lectures. Nono, to be exact, 3 days of lecture and tutorials.
I can't believe Poly's ending. It makes me sad to know that i won't be able to meet acquaintances randomly. It makes me more sad to know that i won't be sitting with my gang for lunch, or meeting for project discussions.
I can't believe Poly's ending.
Just yesterday during dinner/coffee with Aaron, i was telling him about my CNY shopping, and i mentioned that i wanna get a jumper - so that i don't have to think of what to wear when i go for tutorials and lectures.
Then, i suddenly remembered, since there aren't classes this week, we only have one more week of tutorials and lectures. Nono, to be exact, 3 days of lecture and tutorials.
I can't believe Poly's ending. It makes me sad to know that i won't be able to meet acquaintances randomly. It makes me more sad to know that i won't be sitting with my gang for lunch, or meeting for project discussions.
I can't believe Poly's ending.
I was searching for Animal Web banners online. and i chanced upon a website
And i watched a short documentary on the clubbing of seals which i totally regret on one hand. On the other, the video has truly truly shown me just HOW SICK human race can be.
To say that i feel disgusted would be a total understatement.
I felt sick to my stomach when i saw how humans actually club seals. They do it as if they're playing golf, only instead of a golfball, its the head of a seal. A living seal. Just one heartless whack, and all you see is the snow around turn blood red.
I felt so disgusted, i had to learn more about this cruel process. Thank you, Wikipedia.
The typical method of killing seals is to use a Hakapik. A Hakapik is a heavy wooden club with a metal head to crush the skull of a seal, and a hook on one end used for dragging carcasses.
I am officially against the clubbing of seals.
What has this world become? Seal-clubbing, Horse Slaughtering, Dog-fighting, Puppy Mills, Animal Abuse, Research Chimps, Animal testing.
I wonder, if its best to not know such disturbing information, because it always leaves me feeling next to helpless about it.
And i watched a short documentary on the clubbing of seals which i totally regret on one hand. On the other, the video has truly truly shown me just HOW SICK human race can be.
To say that i feel disgusted would be a total understatement.
I felt sick to my stomach when i saw how humans actually club seals. They do it as if they're playing golf, only instead of a golfball, its the head of a seal. A living seal. Just one heartless whack, and all you see is the snow around turn blood red.

The typical method of killing seals is to use a Hakapik. A Hakapik is a heavy wooden club with a metal head to crush the skull of a seal, and a hook on one end used for dragging carcasses.
I am officially against the clubbing of seals.
What has this world become? Seal-clubbing, Horse Slaughtering, Dog-fighting, Puppy Mills, Animal Abuse, Research Chimps, Animal testing.
I wonder, if its best to not know such disturbing information, because it always leaves me feeling next to helpless about it.
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