I'm so screwed. How did i even get started on Bleach.. AGAIN.
(thinks to self: there are 152 episodes on crunchyroll. and i'm at ep 132. which means i got 20 more.)
Ep 132 is a damn good filler :D even though its a filler, its a Good filler.
(Warning: Bimbotism comin' right up.)
HITSUGAYA IS SO COOL! WALA HALA HALA HALA. with that bleached hair and OMY!
AND O! KISUKE URAHARA! WALA WALA WALA WALA! (he's my phone wallpaper. >,<)
*throws heart-shaped confetti* (i got that from Xuan)
YOKAY. thats enough bimbotism for.... one day. teehee. toohoo.