i'll only (definitely) be online every SUNDAY evening. We're making it a point to visit the internet cafe next to our hotel every sunday. So. you can find me online then. :)
I've got tons of blurry pictures :D but i can't post them up since they're in my lap. and the comp i'm using to come online is.. at a whole other place.
ANYHOW. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZACHARY! :) I love love love and miss you so very much.
Vietnam has been great. i'm really loving this country. (might not wanna return home though. TEEHEEHHEE. If only.)
It seems people here like to .. bring us out. or ask us out. "people" excludes the female race.
The guys at the warehouse are really cheeky.
We taught two security guards how to play Tai-tee despite the language barrier. we had to Charade it out.
Okay. no time to give a full update when i've got 7 Msn windows open, 58 mails to read, and a blog to update.
Once again, to Chloe:
I love you so much. You are nothing less than a sister to me. I'm sorry your birthday slipped my mind. I can't wait to watch and discuss anime stuff with you again. I miss you! :)
to Zachary:
MY dear dear dearest Zachary. I'm so proud you grew up this way - so weird and warped. It runs in our family yes. I love you so much. I'm so thankful you're family. And i can't wait to sit with you at the glass table with our laptops again.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
So today’s Friday – 4th day in Vietnam. To all readers, i’m sorry i didn’t brog earlier.. We came and realised our hotel charges USD$2.50 per day for internet usage. SO. Nat and i decided that we’ll use only on weekends when we’ll be in the hotel for most of the day (provided we don’t go shopping or sight seeing.)
So, the first evening when we touched down in Vietnam, it was okay. I really really thank God that I wasn’t affected by the pressure, my ears didn’t pop. AMEN! So we got into a car, and the driver drove us to our hotel, turns out we aren’t in the same hotel as the guys, They’re in a province about an hour’s drive away from us. So we dropped our luggages and headed out to get a Calling card and some groceries. We found a small small teeny tiny shop selling call cards JUST beside our hotel. AND O MY. Language has been proven to be one of the greatest barrier. COMMUNICATION WAS BROKEN, shredded, shrivelled, disjointed, crumbly, whatever. It took us forever to get the calling card and everything. And then when we finally got it done, We tried calling Singapore, and some recorded woman’s voice kept saying something – in Vietnamese, and then in English. But i.. couldn’t understand the English at all. -_-. So in the end, i decided to use the hotel phone to call Papa in case he was waiting up. By then, it was already almost 12.30am or so i think. And we touched down slightly before 8pm. O, Nat had diahorrea. Is that how you spell it.
Anyway, the hotel’s okay We had to rearrange the furniture to get access to the power points. We imagined shocked faces from the hotel staff because we shifted the beds and all. The hotel staff are nice people, they gave us good recommendations! And they taught us a little bit o’ Vietnamese.. and there’s a piano downstairs where Nat and i can play.
So the first day at work, our supervisor was supposed to pick us up at 8am. But she only came at 9.15am. But she’s nice! Very motherly and she keeps assuring us that we can ask her anything. So she brought us to MyDuc Ceramics’ Showroom – ‘twas really classy, like an art museum of some sort. Their tiles aren’t like normal tiles, they’re more like art pieces. They use Swarovski crystals and melted glass to decorated their tiles. Wooo. So, pretty cool. We were introduced to the service team manager and most of the staff. Nice people – who smoke alot. Alot, if i may stress. But they’re nice
Then we were brought to the warehouse – where we were stationed at. We had lunch with the staff there – almost all women. Food was good! Really simple and non-oily. I ate alot of Kangkong. :D
So we went back, and YAY! GUESS WHAT. The company’s providing transportation to and fro from work. AND WE GET ALLOWANCE!. DOUBLE YAY! Its not alot, but I’m still very happy about it. Well, we ended early on our first day since there was really nothing for us to do. We had KFC for dinner. I have not seen a single branch of MacDonalds in Vietnam. It appears KFC as monopolised the fastfood market here. O, there’s also Lotteria Fast food or something. KFC costs SO CHEAP here. Lets see.. Nat and i had 2 Zinger Meals with Ice Milo, totals up to SGD$7.50, Gek will love it here.
Wooo. Third day – Yesterday. Was good. We had Breakfast, and went to work, didn’t really do much, our Supervisor wants us to get a overview of the entire picture. So we read the SOPs and we stalked some of the documents to see what actually goes on in the office. I shall not talk about what we’ve observed lest i bore some people out. But its all very logisticky, - Invoices, Picking, forklifts, Suppliers and everything else. We went out for lunch, and wehad to cross a road to get to the foods, IT WAS SO SCARY MY GOODNESS. I was so scared i just held onto one of the staff as she crossed the road, i didn’t even dare look left or right. Singaporeans will just die when faced with Vietnam’s traffic. Everyday i look out and my amazement with regards to their traffic conditions is renewed. AMAZING. I can’t even describe it.
Motorcycles, TONS of them. I MEAN TONSSSS. TONS. Bikers don’t wear helmets. It is Only common to find four people on a bike. Very very common. Its like a norm. Kay lemme try describing the traffic conditions. People do U-turns ANYWHERE. ANY-WHERE. And Horning – Is like background music, constantly playing, Nat and i tried counting how many times our taxi driver horned in one journey, we gave up halfway. They horn to say – Hey, i’m here. Or.. Hey i’m gonna do something (i.e. Stop or go left/right) Not like Singaporeans when horning is usually accompanied with a bit o’ Swearing. So the roads in Vietnam have no separators, like two-way roads in Singapore would have a fence sorta thing in the middle.. No, Vietnam roads have no such thing. The only thing showing that its two way is probably the almost-fading lines painted 2 million years ago on the roads. Dig this: Even if its a one-way street, its only common to find vehicles driving in opposite directions in the same road. If its a two-way road, bikes driving in opposite directions cut each other’s lanes like nobody’s business. O wait, there aren’t any lanes at all. Okay. So, Vietnam doesn’t exactly have big Cross-junctions like Singapore does. Their junctions are small, their Big ones are .. Roundabouts. Kinda like that of Serangoon Gardens, but maybe twice or thrice that size. Its big, and think – Drivers are driving in opposite directions. There’s no.. synchronised direction, Drivers just go whichever way is shorter. And trust me, Traffic is VERY heavy. Need i stess more.
I’m trying to get a good vid of the traffic situation
So. I had my first experience riding on a bike yesterday. I was thinking, My goodness – I didn’t even ride a bike in Singapore where traffic is safe as Boiling water is hot. AND MY FIRST BIKE EXPERIENCE IN VIETNAM where traffic is...... refer to previous paragraph. The staff wanted to bring us to shop for shoes, and they insisted we take their bikes. So Nat got on one, and i got on another. When we alighted, think “Green faces and Jelly-Welly legs”. We were the only ones screaming in the traffic, the rest were.. honking.
AND TODAY, my hair’s still wet. BECAUSE after work, Nat and i wanted to go to Ben-Thanh Market to shop. So we got back to our hotel, dumped our Laptops and documents, and got out. It was raining, So we asked this hotel staff.. A man. Quite geeky. We got directions and we were worried that the market might not be sheltered. That man seemed to understand a bit of English, so here’s our conversation (With actions. You might wanna try it out.):
Me to Man: Is the place sheltered?
Man: *looks lost for a while* Yes.. yes.. (sounding unsure)
Nat: *Puts hands over head like a little roof* Got Shelter??
Man: O Yes yes (Now we’re unsure)
Me: *Uses hand to do raining action and said “Hua la Hua la Hua la...” and then did the same Roof Action as Nat did. * Shelter???
Man: YES! YES! YES! (sounds excited.)
SO, assured that our Vietnam –lives were gonna be enriched by a night of shopping, we got in a taxi and left for Ben Thanh Market.
And then.
THERE WAS NO SHELTER. We had no poncho, no umbrella, no whatever.
We shopped in the rain. People stared. They must think we’re weird. And we were laughing and all. It was hilarious.
We got back, and we laughed our way into the hotel lobby, and HAHA. It seems the hotel staff still didn’t realise his mistake. Or rather the miscommunication we had. SO he laughed along as well. O my.
ANYHOW, Vietnam has been great so far. Everything is CHEAP. 5 of us had lunch at a restaurant/pub place for SGD$12. The pens here all cost less than 70 cents. Nat and i had dinner at a restaurant with really nice ambience and Food for less than SGD$10. Totally worth it. A typical Main course would cost less than SGD$2.
THE COFFEE HERE IS GREAT. It makes Singapore Coffee taste like crap. Coffee lovers like GEK, CHLOE AND AARON SHOULD TRY IT. ITS LOVELY. LOOOOOOVELY.
OKAY. If you read the whole post, you’re too free. HAHAHA.
To all who’s still overseas – Sam, Jiajia, Aaron (I MISS YOU.), G-Babe, Waiyiu, Jasper and Hisham (We’ll be going over to your side soon!) I HOPE YOU’RE ENJOYING YOUR INTERNSHIP! BE SAFE!
To Papa, Kor, Ee, Zach-Chlo-Jedd-Bloss, Nanny and Family, Xuan, Debbie Tay, Everyone at church, I MISS YOU ALL! LLOVEE!!
OKAY. I’ll post again soon. With pictures.
So, the first evening when we touched down in Vietnam, it was okay. I really really thank God that I wasn’t affected by the pressure, my ears didn’t pop. AMEN! So we got into a car, and the driver drove us to our hotel, turns out we aren’t in the same hotel as the guys, They’re in a province about an hour’s drive away from us. So we dropped our luggages and headed out to get a Calling card and some groceries. We found a small small teeny tiny shop selling call cards JUST beside our hotel. AND O MY. Language has been proven to be one of the greatest barrier. COMMUNICATION WAS BROKEN, shredded, shrivelled, disjointed, crumbly, whatever. It took us forever to get the calling card and everything. And then when we finally got it done, We tried calling Singapore, and some recorded woman’s voice kept saying something – in Vietnamese, and then in English. But i.. couldn’t understand the English at all. -_-. So in the end, i decided to use the hotel phone to call Papa in case he was waiting up. By then, it was already almost 12.30am or so i think. And we touched down slightly before 8pm. O, Nat had diahorrea. Is that how you spell it.
Anyway, the hotel’s okay We had to rearrange the furniture to get access to the power points. We imagined shocked faces from the hotel staff because we shifted the beds and all. The hotel staff are nice people, they gave us good recommendations! And they taught us a little bit o’ Vietnamese.. and there’s a piano downstairs where Nat and i can play.
So the first day at work, our supervisor was supposed to pick us up at 8am. But she only came at 9.15am. But she’s nice! Very motherly and she keeps assuring us that we can ask her anything. So she brought us to MyDuc Ceramics’ Showroom – ‘twas really classy, like an art museum of some sort. Their tiles aren’t like normal tiles, they’re more like art pieces. They use Swarovski crystals and melted glass to decorated their tiles. Wooo. So, pretty cool. We were introduced to the service team manager and most of the staff. Nice people – who smoke alot. Alot, if i may stress. But they’re nice
Then we were brought to the warehouse – where we were stationed at. We had lunch with the staff there – almost all women. Food was good! Really simple and non-oily. I ate alot of Kangkong. :D
So we went back, and YAY! GUESS WHAT. The company’s providing transportation to and fro from work. AND WE GET ALLOWANCE!. DOUBLE YAY! Its not alot, but I’m still very happy about it. Well, we ended early on our first day since there was really nothing for us to do. We had KFC for dinner. I have not seen a single branch of MacDonalds in Vietnam. It appears KFC as monopolised the fastfood market here. O, there’s also Lotteria Fast food or something. KFC costs SO CHEAP here. Lets see.. Nat and i had 2 Zinger Meals with Ice Milo, totals up to SGD$7.50, Gek will love it here.
Wooo. Third day – Yesterday. Was good. We had Breakfast, and went to work, didn’t really do much, our Supervisor wants us to get a overview of the entire picture. So we read the SOPs and we stalked some of the documents to see what actually goes on in the office. I shall not talk about what we’ve observed lest i bore some people out. But its all very logisticky, - Invoices, Picking, forklifts, Suppliers and everything else. We went out for lunch, and wehad to cross a road to get to the foods, IT WAS SO SCARY MY GOODNESS. I was so scared i just held onto one of the staff as she crossed the road, i didn’t even dare look left or right. Singaporeans will just die when faced with Vietnam’s traffic. Everyday i look out and my amazement with regards to their traffic conditions is renewed. AMAZING. I can’t even describe it.
Motorcycles, TONS of them. I MEAN TONSSSS. TONS. Bikers don’t wear helmets. It is Only common to find four people on a bike. Very very common. Its like a norm. Kay lemme try describing the traffic conditions. People do U-turns ANYWHERE. ANY-WHERE. And Horning – Is like background music, constantly playing, Nat and i tried counting how many times our taxi driver horned in one journey, we gave up halfway. They horn to say – Hey, i’m here. Or.. Hey i’m gonna do something (i.e. Stop or go left/right) Not like Singaporeans when horning is usually accompanied with a bit o’ Swearing. So the roads in Vietnam have no separators, like two-way roads in Singapore would have a fence sorta thing in the middle.. No, Vietnam roads have no such thing. The only thing showing that its two way is probably the almost-fading lines painted 2 million years ago on the roads. Dig this: Even if its a one-way street, its only common to find vehicles driving in opposite directions in the same road. If its a two-way road, bikes driving in opposite directions cut each other’s lanes like nobody’s business. O wait, there aren’t any lanes at all. Okay. So, Vietnam doesn’t exactly have big Cross-junctions like Singapore does. Their junctions are small, their Big ones are .. Roundabouts. Kinda like that of Serangoon Gardens, but maybe twice or thrice that size. Its big, and think – Drivers are driving in opposite directions. There’s no.. synchronised direction, Drivers just go whichever way is shorter. And trust me, Traffic is VERY heavy. Need i stess more.
I’m trying to get a good vid of the traffic situation
So. I had my first experience riding on a bike yesterday. I was thinking, My goodness – I didn’t even ride a bike in Singapore where traffic is safe as Boiling water is hot. AND MY FIRST BIKE EXPERIENCE IN VIETNAM where traffic is...... refer to previous paragraph. The staff wanted to bring us to shop for shoes, and they insisted we take their bikes. So Nat got on one, and i got on another. When we alighted, think “Green faces and Jelly-Welly legs”. We were the only ones screaming in the traffic, the rest were.. honking.
AND TODAY, my hair’s still wet. BECAUSE after work, Nat and i wanted to go to Ben-Thanh Market to shop. So we got back to our hotel, dumped our Laptops and documents, and got out. It was raining, So we asked this hotel staff.. A man. Quite geeky. We got directions and we were worried that the market might not be sheltered. That man seemed to understand a bit of English, so here’s our conversation (With actions. You might wanna try it out.):
Me to Man: Is the place sheltered?
Man: *looks lost for a while* Yes.. yes.. (sounding unsure)
Nat: *Puts hands over head like a little roof* Got Shelter??
Man: O Yes yes (Now we’re unsure)
Me: *Uses hand to do raining action and said “Hua la Hua la Hua la...” and then did the same Roof Action as Nat did. * Shelter???
Man: YES! YES! YES! (sounds excited.)
SO, assured that our Vietnam –lives were gonna be enriched by a night of shopping, we got in a taxi and left for Ben Thanh Market.
And then.
THERE WAS NO SHELTER. We had no poncho, no umbrella, no whatever.
We shopped in the rain. People stared. They must think we’re weird. And we were laughing and all. It was hilarious.
We got back, and we laughed our way into the hotel lobby, and HAHA. It seems the hotel staff still didn’t realise his mistake. Or rather the miscommunication we had. SO he laughed along as well. O my.
ANYHOW, Vietnam has been great so far. Everything is CHEAP. 5 of us had lunch at a restaurant/pub place for SGD$12. The pens here all cost less than 70 cents. Nat and i had dinner at a restaurant with really nice ambience and Food for less than SGD$10. Totally worth it. A typical Main course would cost less than SGD$2.
THE COFFEE HERE IS GREAT. It makes Singapore Coffee taste like crap. Coffee lovers like GEK, CHLOE AND AARON SHOULD TRY IT. ITS LOVELY. LOOOOOOVELY.
OKAY. If you read the whole post, you’re too free. HAHAHA.
To all who’s still overseas – Sam, Jiajia, Aaron (I MISS YOU.), G-Babe, Waiyiu, Jasper and Hisham (We’ll be going over to your side soon!) I HOPE YOU’RE ENJOYING YOUR INTERNSHIP! BE SAFE!
To Papa, Kor, Ee, Zach-Chlo-Jedd-Bloss, Nanny and Family, Xuan, Debbie Tay, Everyone at church, I MISS YOU ALL! LLOVEE!!
OKAY. I’ll post again soon. With pictures.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
I'm attempting to pack my (big) bag for Vietnam, but it seems that the more i pack, the more i feel my bag isn't big enough. Whilst i drown in my insecurities, i decided to msg Nat hoping she could assure me, But reply, She has not. I hope she does - soon.
Today's work was quite... Bad. Cheryl said i wasn't myself, I was really restless. I guess i was a little - no idea why.
Then halfway, my aunt (spiritual mommy) Msged informing me that Kongkong (Her father, my grandfather, my mum's dad) was admitted to Changi Hospital for Pneumonia, and the Doctor told us to be mentally prepared.
I felt myself crack inside cos it just reminded me so much of my mum, and whatever happened to/with her. I felt really sad,bad,horrible,scared,worried,anything negative. And when i'm upset/stressed, i either talk ALOT, or i don't talk at all. Today's effect happens to be the latter. So:
Auntie Laigek: Ay. Why today your face same colour as your shirt.
(i was wearing a black polo)
I love Auntie Laigek. it seems she sensed something was wrong and followed me to the toilet (Auntie-Stalker, teehee) And then sometime later she hugged and prayed for me.
Today was my last sunday at work before i get vietnamed for 10 weeks - The longest break i've taken so far. And somehow many people knew, so they all came and patted my arm, like a friendly gesture, and nagged a little here and there, i know they meant well :) I'm gonna miss them all. But they didn't know that my arms were still aching and sore from the VICIOUS VACCINATIONS i took the day before. So i kinda cringed inside everytime someone patted me :D But i Still do, very much, appreciate the gesture.
JONATHAN (GKIDZ, not korkor): If you're reading this, Hello there! :D Some things to note:
1. Don't let Karthi bully you. I'm EXTREMELY sure he will. :)
2. Don't WORRY. and STOP PANICKING. Especially when you panick in front of grouchy parents who want their way, you'll let them walk all over you. Must remain calm and Steady. Thats what S-people are good at. :) Even if you panick, don't show it babe.
3. Its okay to make mistakes. I'm not gonna be all cliche/cheesy as i already am and say "Just learn from your mistakes". I'm sure you already know that. ITS OKAY TO MAKE MISTAKES, JUST RECOVER ASAP, or at least try to cover your butt until you get help from Cheryl or Karthi, or Aunt LG, or Lynne :)
4. HAVE FUN Dearest.
5. 1000-word report to me every sunday. >:D
Anyhow, i'd better get back to packing lest papa continues nagging. I still gotta teach him how to use Skype. heh.
To my loves:
CH-LOW, ZACKEE, BLOSSOM, JEDD - I'm definitely gonna miss you (all). and i promise i'll buy nice stuff for you all. I might consider setting up a brog for Vietnam :D
Ee (S. Mom) - I LOVE YOU. and be Strong okay! IF anything happens to Kongkong or anyone, i believe its all God's will. I'm gonna miss your nagging! :)
Papa, Kor - MY TWO GREATEST MEN. :( I loved Dinner today. it was superbly heart-warming. I love you. Kor: Please teach Papa to use Skype or MSN, i don't think he knows how to "add" me or see if i'm online. Heheheh.
XUAN, GAVIN, AARON, DEBBIE, GEK - Ah, almost all of us are going overseas, To XUAN and Deb, i Love you both so much. Please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TAKE CARE. I WILL MISS YOU.
G-Babe: STOP FLIRTING, You. >:)
Aaron, dearest: I LOVE YOU! i promise i will watch BROTHERs AND SISTERS, CSI and maybe even Family Guy. I love love love you. I have always thought you were So brave to go OSIP even though we're not going together. :) You'll survive. I know it. YOU'd BETTER SURVIVE I TELL YOU.
ROS: I love you. Always will. Please take care, and EMAIL ME If you've got problems okay :) You know i'll listen.
Okay. This post is so long. :)
I'm gonna go pack already. And NAto has not replied. :(
Today's work was quite... Bad. Cheryl said i wasn't myself, I was really restless. I guess i was a little - no idea why.
Then halfway, my aunt (spiritual mommy) Msged informing me that Kongkong (Her father, my grandfather, my mum's dad) was admitted to Changi Hospital for Pneumonia, and the Doctor told us to be mentally prepared.
I felt myself crack inside cos it just reminded me so much of my mum, and whatever happened to/with her. I felt really sad,bad,horrible,scared,worried,anything negative. And when i'm upset/stressed, i either talk ALOT, or i don't talk at all. Today's effect happens to be the latter. So:
Auntie Laigek: Ay. Why today your face same colour as your shirt.
(i was wearing a black polo)
I love Auntie Laigek. it seems she sensed something was wrong and followed me to the toilet (Auntie-Stalker, teehee) And then sometime later she hugged and prayed for me.
Today was my last sunday at work before i get vietnamed for 10 weeks - The longest break i've taken so far. And somehow many people knew, so they all came and patted my arm, like a friendly gesture, and nagged a little here and there, i know they meant well :) I'm gonna miss them all. But they didn't know that my arms were still aching and sore from the VICIOUS VACCINATIONS i took the day before. So i kinda cringed inside everytime someone patted me :D But i Still do, very much, appreciate the gesture.
JONATHAN (GKIDZ, not korkor): If you're reading this, Hello there! :D Some things to note:
1. Don't let Karthi bully you. I'm EXTREMELY sure he will. :)
2. Don't WORRY. and STOP PANICKING. Especially when you panick in front of grouchy parents who want their way, you'll let them walk all over you. Must remain calm and Steady. Thats what S-people are good at. :) Even if you panick, don't show it babe.
3. Its okay to make mistakes. I'm not gonna be all cliche/cheesy as i already am and say "Just learn from your mistakes". I'm sure you already know that. ITS OKAY TO MAKE MISTAKES, JUST RECOVER ASAP, or at least try to cover your butt until you get help from Cheryl or Karthi, or Aunt LG, or Lynne :)
4. HAVE FUN Dearest.
5. 1000-word report to me every sunday. >:D
Anyhow, i'd better get back to packing lest papa continues nagging. I still gotta teach him how to use Skype. heh.
To my loves:
CH-LOW, ZACKEE, BLOSSOM, JEDD - I'm definitely gonna miss you (all). and i promise i'll buy nice stuff for you all. I might consider setting up a brog for Vietnam :D
Ee (S. Mom) - I LOVE YOU. and be Strong okay! IF anything happens to Kongkong or anyone, i believe its all God's will. I'm gonna miss your nagging! :)
Papa, Kor - MY TWO GREATEST MEN. :( I loved Dinner today. it was superbly heart-warming. I love you. Kor: Please teach Papa to use Skype or MSN, i don't think he knows how to "add" me or see if i'm online. Heheheh.
XUAN, GAVIN, AARON, DEBBIE, GEK - Ah, almost all of us are going overseas, To XUAN and Deb, i Love you both so much. Please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TAKE CARE. I WILL MISS YOU.
G-Babe: STOP FLIRTING, You. >:)
Aaron, dearest: I LOVE YOU! i promise i will watch BROTHERs AND SISTERS, CSI and maybe even Family Guy. I love love love you. I have always thought you were So brave to go OSIP even though we're not going together. :) You'll survive. I know it. YOU'd BETTER SURVIVE I TELL YOU.
ROS: I love you. Always will. Please take care, and EMAIL ME If you've got problems okay :) You know i'll listen.
Okay. This post is so long. :)
I'm gonna go pack already. And NAto has not replied. :(
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I can't say it better.
I'm SO THANKFUL i went to the Zoo today with Xuan. I TOTALLY LOVED IT. EVERY SINGLE BIT OF IT.
WE HAD SO MUCH FUN!!!! Today was ABSOLUTELY GOOD. The weather was great (Thank you God!), The animals were great, the schedule was great, EVERYTHING WAS GREAT.
(Photos will be up when Xuan sends me the photos.! )
And i'm so happy i went. Because this trip has rekindled my love and passion for Animals, and it has also reminded me that there are animals still suffering out there. So i've decided, when i retire one day, i'm gonna work PT in the Zoo, and do my part in Animal Conservation!
If possible, i would wanna find a job - operations manager or something- in the Zoo.
Life is all about God, Animals, Music and Love.
So, i met someone, and some stuff happened which resulted in some stuff and now i'm thinking of some stuff which shouldn't be the case, but some stuff just has to happen, so some stuff is still stuck in my head because of someone.
Schedule for Zis week (And a little bit of last and next.):
Sunday (Passed) - Church, then dinner with Marvin.
Monday (Passed.) - LOM DAY dry/wet run, Dinner with Choy.
Tuesday (Today) - LIG Exco Outing! YAY! Dinner with Jessie, HQ, Yuwen, Gek.
Wednesday - Zoo with Xuan in the day, Dinner with Aaron.
Thursday - Meet Zackee to get haircut, Dinner with Ros Love.
Friday - YCH Site Visit, Shopping for amenities, Dinner with Cell Ladies.
Saturday - FREE (WOOHOO.) either that, or i've forgotten what i've arranged for that day.
Sunday - Work and Church, Dinner with Family.
Monday - SIP Launch, LOM Day, and Chalet.
Tuesday (DEPARTURE DAY!) - FYP Leaders' Training, Then i'm Flying off!
Sigh. I have a feeling i'm gonna miss someone very much - but. weo;innnafwegfgbvjksfbasefuiawhgowvufihweiofnsdkcfhnhaoeirhawwwfbasjfweriwoatniof.
That was intended Technical Error.
Schedule for Zis week (And a little bit of last and next.):
Sunday (Passed) - Church, then dinner with Marvin.
Monday (Passed.) - LOM DAY dry/wet run, Dinner with Choy.
Tuesday (Today) - LIG Exco Outing! YAY! Dinner with Jessie, HQ, Yuwen, Gek.
Wednesday - Zoo with Xuan in the day, Dinner with Aaron.
Thursday - Meet Zackee to get haircut, Dinner with Ros Love.
Friday - YCH Site Visit, Shopping for amenities, Dinner with Cell Ladies.
Saturday - FREE (WOOHOO.) either that, or i've forgotten what i've arranged for that day.
Sunday - Work and Church, Dinner with Family.
Monday - SIP Launch, LOM Day, and Chalet.
Tuesday (DEPARTURE DAY!) - FYP Leaders' Training, Then i'm Flying off!
Sigh. I have a feeling i'm gonna miss someone very much - but. weo;innnafwegfgbvjksfbasefuiawhgowvufihweiofnsdkcfhnhaoeirhawwwfbasjfweriwoatniof.
That was intended Technical Error.
Monday, September 3, 2007
SO. i just came back from dinner with Marvin. I really really enjoyed his company. in a weird way. It felt/feels different. Just Different. :) I like it. makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
I think i'm gonna miss him when i am vietnamed.
And i do hope we really get down to learning driving together when i come back. :D
SO. i'm thoroughly booked for the next few days - from LOM Day dry runs.. right down to getting haircut with my beloved cousin, Zackee.
Today, everyone at church made me feel so sad.. So much so that for a moment i felt like i could forgo the Vietnam trip.
Like after we were done with work, I was talking with Aunty LaiGek and Pastor James. And they all gave me the next-week-is-your-last-week look. plus the we-will-miss-you look. and i'm not being thick skinned please >: )
Sigh. I think i'm gonna miss Church the most. I love Church. Its like my whole life is there. I really really really am gonna miss church. Church - not the place. Church - The body of Christ, His people. Cheryl, Lynne, Aunt Laigek, Li Li and Ailee, Uncle JitKiong and Adrian, Jonathan, Adele, Pastor Taitong, Wendy and Kangyin and Muntai, Michael, Peter, David, Uncle John, Pastor James, Pastor Jas, SO MANY PEOPLE. I'm gonna miss them all.
Next sunday's gonna be my "last" before i get vietnamed. I'm hoping they won't make me cry or anything. I'm not going to. Cos if i do, it'll probably be a bucket's worth. :"(
I think i'm gonna miss him when i am vietnamed.
And i do hope we really get down to learning driving together when i come back. :D
SO. i'm thoroughly booked for the next few days - from LOM Day dry runs.. right down to getting haircut with my beloved cousin, Zackee.
Today, everyone at church made me feel so sad.. So much so that for a moment i felt like i could forgo the Vietnam trip.
Like after we were done with work, I was talking with Aunty LaiGek and Pastor James. And they all gave me the next-week-is-your-last-week look. plus the we-will-miss-you look. and i'm not being thick skinned please >: )
Sigh. I think i'm gonna miss Church the most. I love Church. Its like my whole life is there. I really really really am gonna miss church. Church - not the place. Church - The body of Christ, His people. Cheryl, Lynne, Aunt Laigek, Li Li and Ailee, Uncle JitKiong and Adrian, Jonathan, Adele, Pastor Taitong, Wendy and Kangyin and Muntai, Michael, Peter, David, Uncle John, Pastor James, Pastor Jas, SO MANY PEOPLE. I'm gonna miss them all.
Next sunday's gonna be my "last" before i get vietnamed. I'm hoping they won't make me cry or anything. I'm not going to. Cos if i do, it'll probably be a bucket's worth. :"(
Saturday, September 1, 2007
So i missed the MaLa session. :(
I do hope we go again before i fly off.
EXAMS ARE Fye-neh-lee Over.
Today after exams ended and my body+brain finally found time to slow down (not being drama). ALL sicknesses started to creep in. i had a flu, had a bit of Sore throat, My eyes got watery and irritated so i rubbed, and then i must have burst some vessels cos my Eye (one only.) got very very red, and tears were pouring out. kay. i'm exaggerated the tearing. But i felt awful. just awful. and i had to go for cell meeting - which was quite a joy, cos we had discussions and stuff. 'twas all good. But i missed MaLa. :(
Anyhow, i realised my body was quite stressed because of the exams, the unspoken pressure from so many people (shall not name them) , all my worries about Vietnam and all, everything.
But now that exams are over, feels good. But not as good as expected cos the sudden sense of.. "freedom"? feels.. off.
On a happier note,
I just baked 2.5 batches of cookies. its quite tiring. it doesn't look as appealing as usual 'cause they are in all shapes and sizes. Heh. BUT. the chocolate Oozes out. Very good. If you wanna see who has eaten cookies in this household, look out for those with dark-brown lipstick.
OKAY. There's so much to be done within the next few days, i should consider listing down all my to-dos. For now, gotta settle some YPC and LOM-day stuff before i list down ALL my stuff i wanna buy/settle for my Vietnam trip.
And everytime i think atbout Zooing and Tamagotchi-shopping with Xuan on wednesday i get so eggcited. I CAN'T wait. YAY XUAN! :D
I do hope we go again before i fly off.
EXAMS ARE Fye-neh-lee Over.
Today after exams ended and my body+brain finally found time to slow down (not being drama). ALL sicknesses started to creep in. i had a flu, had a bit of Sore throat, My eyes got watery and irritated so i rubbed, and then i must have burst some vessels cos my Eye (one only.) got very very red, and tears were pouring out. kay. i'm exaggerated the tearing. But i felt awful. just awful. and i had to go for cell meeting - which was quite a joy, cos we had discussions and stuff. 'twas all good. But i missed MaLa. :(
Anyhow, i realised my body was quite stressed because of the exams, the unspoken pressure from so many people (shall not name them) , all my worries about Vietnam and all, everything.
But now that exams are over, feels good. But not as good as expected cos the sudden sense of.. "freedom"? feels.. off.
On a happier note,
I just baked 2.5 batches of cookies. its quite tiring. it doesn't look as appealing as usual 'cause they are in all shapes and sizes. Heh. BUT. the chocolate Oozes out. Very good. If you wanna see who has eaten cookies in this household, look out for those with dark-brown lipstick.
OKAY. There's so much to be done within the next few days, i should consider listing down all my to-dos. For now, gotta settle some YPC and LOM-day stuff before i list down ALL my stuff i wanna buy/settle for my Vietnam trip.
And everytime i think atbout Zooing and Tamagotchi-shopping with Xuan on wednesday i get so eggcited. I CAN'T wait. YAY XUAN! :D
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