Thursday, August 16, 2007

So i've not been updating thanks to my rather clogged up schedule. Can't even if a decent day to go for a movie with Joel. :( I'd better find a day before i get vietnamised.

So. For the first time in so long, i truly felt that Morning traffic is the biggest pain in the (maybe just mine.) buttocks. Have you ever felt like you wanna give up waiting for a bus. then you ask, what is there to give up?

Well. Getting to school on time for 9am classes is like fighting a war. A SINGAPOREAN WAR. where everyone carries Bayonets of Kiasuism and shields of sheer Impatience. ITS MADNESS. i can't take it. The fastest bus from my place to Tampines Interchange is 969. And DANG it. When i have 9am classes, i need to be outta the house by 7.20am. And that doesn't even guarantee that i'll be on time. Lets hear about the challenges faced.

1st challenge: Waiting for the bus.
SURE. waiting for the bus is easy-peasy. But when you see 969s just pass your stop without even stopping because the passengers and squashed until their backsweats form like a patch on the entrance door, you kinda know why the bus just vrooms pass you. THIS, is a test of determination. it is DANG difficult to even HOPE you'll be able to get on a bus. Sometimes exasperation overwhelms, and i can feel tears welling up :( i'm emo when i'm waiting for buses.

2nd Challenge: Getting on the bus.
SURE. Getting on is easy-peasy. Its uber demoralizing to see, after a bus FINALLY stops at the stop, that the only space left for people to get on is probably the last step, right in front of the merciless Folding doors just waiting to flap you out. Then every typical Singaporean would immediately attempt to get on by placing a foot on the step first whilst waiting for the bus driver to Scrreeaam for the people in the bus to move back. The quality being tested in this challenge is Kiasuism, Something borne in every Singaporean (Evident from those trying to get on the bus.)Well, you just HAVE to be kiasu when dealing with morning traffic.

3rd Challenge: Surviving in the bus.
SURE. surviving in the bus is easy-peasy. That is NOT the case when you have people stuck so close you feel like you're growing new body parts. Sometimes the only part of my body i can move (which won't affect other people) is my head. Turn left, turn right, and again, turn left, turn right. I feel like i'm doing ACES day workout or something. There's someone's butt at your butt, someone's bag stuck to your bag, someone's arm beside my head, people stand so close to each other they (maybe just me) can hear the music coming from other people's earphones. AND PLEASE MR. BUS DRIVER TURN ON THE BL**DY AIRCONDITIONER. WE PAY TAXES (kay. my dad does.). AND THEN, there's the traffic jam which happens everyday, withOUT fail. Every taxi driver knows about that jam, according to many drivers, the jam will begin at exactly 7.10am. before 7.10, no jam. 7.10am, peanut butter jam.

Thats why, That is why, that IS why, i always feel so blessed and happy and RELIEVED when i make it to 9am classes on time. Its like the best feeling in the world, i tell you. To those who don't need to fight the abovementioned war, you are so blessed.

OKAY. enough about War stories. Recently i've felt so distant from God. Is it because i've not been attending service? I don't know. And from all this distance i've had, i've caught a glimpse of what my life would be without Jesus. my life would just be empty. Empty. Questions like, what am i living for? who am i living for? why should i do my best for this and that? Why should i love this unlovely person? Why should i choose to bless?, Questions questions. They've just been popping all over my brain. Its not like it flashes past my brain in Bright red capital letters, but rather, silent meek thoughts that hide themselves in my daily affairs. Without Jesus, i just find myself speechless when attempting to answer those questions.

I need to go talk to Jesus already.

School has been great. I'm really beginning to feel the love we all share, some may say it isn't love, but to me it is. I'm so thankful i have friends like them. They are the most toot, kuku, irritating, ridiculously racist, rubbishy, LOVELY people.

Gavin, Aaron, Xuan, Gek, Nat, Debbie, plus plus plus. School is what it is because of these people who Always, in one way or another, make my day. I feel comforted knowing that i'm surrounded by such a bunch of people. And, it is thru this bunch of crazy nuts that God has shown me how faithful He is. I remembered praying a simple prayer before i entered Poly, asking God to bless me with friends whom i can share my life with, whom i can love. And today i can confidently say that God has answered my prayer! I truly truly thank God for each and every single one of my friends. Maybe its because Poly's ending for me. i feel sad. I'm really really REALLy gonna miss school. So many funny conversations, so many racist jokes, so many ghost stories, so many daily sharings, so many laughs, so many happy tears, so many memories.

So many memories.