Sunday, June 1, 2008

Atheists and Faith.

Thank you Ev, for the Rejuvenation :) I love and miss you. Thank you for the card (you gave on grad day.), really sweet gesture. -ALL HAIL LIG Main Comm!-

I went to church today, and i didn't really understand the message. Although i do agree with one theory that Pastor Khong talked about.

He said,

If a man says, "I believe that there's no God in the world", then i'll salute him and say, "You're a man of great faith!".

Why so? you ask.

The bible says that every Christian must have Faith. Faith is the belief, hope for or having complete trust for something without proof.

Everyone has faith, its like - you board a bus, you see a seat, and you sit down. Would you check the quality of materials used to build the bus? Would you question the bus driver to make sure the bus is well maintained? Would you open up the seats to see if there are cockroaches inside? Would you test the maximum weight the seat can withstand before sitting down?

No. Because you have faith, you believe that the bus is functioning well. You trust that the seat will not break when you sit. Faith.

Can you prove that the seat won't break before you sit down on it? No. Can you ensure that the bus will not explode somewhere on the roads? No. But do you board it? Yes. Do you sit on the seat? Yes. Faith.

Well then, back to my original statement. Why is an Atheist a man of great faith? If he claims that he believes that there is no God in this world, then he must have searched EVERY SINGLE corner of this earth - the entire Universe, the many many many galaxies, every planet, every star - before he can conclude that there is no God. Because otherwise, the statement that says "There is no God." is totally based on faith - because where and how, can he gather the evidence to prove that there is no God? Is it possible to search every single corner of this earth? No. Is it possible to be on every planet? In every galaxy? On every star? No. Therefore, the belief that there is no God is purely based on Faith - Complete, Utter, Bold - Faith.

And the irony of it all - Christianity, is all about Faith.