Sunday, November 18, 2007

i'm 2 + 5 + 3.5 + 2.2 + 1.8 + 4.5

I think that adds up to 19. If it doesn't, then cancel that. I'm 19.


It was the night of 15th November. And we decided we were not gonna sleep that night. So we dropped by the bookshop to go crazy a little. We ended up buying 32 pens for our friends at the office. It was GREAT shopping. :D

Then, Nat insisted on buying cake to Happy-Birthday me, so we went to Gloria Jeans, I got Chocolate Cake, and she got Tiramisu. Then... we realised we had no Candles. So we went back to the bookshop to get candles. But since we didn't know where the candles were, Nat suggested i look on the second floor while she took the first. And so, we got candles!

Then we went back to the hotel, continued with Project:Pen. Then, at 12am, We celebrated me turning 19! :D It was a simple but absolutely wonderful celebration. I loved it. THANK YOU LOVE.

Then after Nat was done singing my birthday song, she presented me with my present! It was the 2008 organiser i was eyeing at the bookshop. And guess when she got it. When i was up there looking for candles on the 2nd and 3rd floor. HOW SLY SIA. :D LOVE YOU FOR THAT, BABE.

THEN we watched Supernatural, freaked ourselves out a little. And we slept. and went to work! :D

So, as we entered the warehouse, as usual, all the Security Guards were all there, plus the Store Assistants. Then I walked in.. and some of them started applauding and singing Happy-Birthday!!! I got so embarrassed. Hehehe.

Then for the rest of the day, the Security guards were all saying happy Birthday and all. extremely sweet. :D

THEN!! OUR COCONUTS ARRIVED! :D WOOHOO! o. i forgot to mention, we (nat and i) decided to buy coconuts for everyone. as a surprise of course, to celebrate my birthday. and we ordered 35 Jelly Coconuts! :D So everyone got a coconut. And we were both very happy people. :D

So the day went on, and i was discussing some work stuff with my Supervisor, then, the Supplier Lady (who works at the office too. who happens to be very rich.) came and discretely asked my Supervisor for my name and Age. Then about half an hour later, SHE CAME BACK TO THE OFFICE WITH A HUUGE CAKE. O MY GOODNESS.

BEfore i knew it, all the porters outside gathered just outside the office to take pictures and all. MY GOODNESS. Then, before i knew it, the Warehouse Leader started looking thru their CD collection for their version of Happy-Birthday. And he played it on so loudly!! my gosh.

Then all the staff gathered to sing Happy Birthday. And i gave half the cake to the Security Guards and Porters outside, the other Half was shared among the staff inside the office.

These are the people i wanna thank and hug (if possible):

Nat love.
Ms Thuy (Supervisor)
Ms Thuy (Supplier)

(Sister) Chi: Ngan, Tao, Van, Dang, Luan, Thuy.

(Brother) Anh: Trung, Trung, Duy, Yan, Giau, Do, Duoc, Dung, Tung, Phong, Tinh, Diem, Khanh, Canh, And so many more.

I love all. Love love love love all.

So much, i can't even bear the thought of leaving Vietnam.