Monday, October 15, 2007


Past weeks have been okay. i'm starting to think about the last week i'm gonna spend here in Vietnam. And everytime i do think, i get very sad. I fall into Depression. NEH. heh. Not that bad yet, but i think as the day nears, it'll get worse. I can only pray that God will protect me from any form of negative emotions/feelings. Sigh.

Yesterday was good. We secretly went out with two of the hotel staff we're closer with. D and N. And they brought us out (on bikes, yes) to District 7. Cos Nat wanted to learn how to ride a bike, so N taught her, and D brought me (on his bike) .. and we just rode, around the area. It was really really nice. Really. Very. I can't stress it more. That short ride just made me fall deeper in love with Vietnam. District 7 is more ruralish, and quieter - Absolutely lovely.

And D brought me around this little neighbourhood, of pretty well built houses, like a private housing area in Singapore. But it was really quiet, and nice. and simple - like a really easy and quiet life. I adore that kinda life. Adore is the word.

Then after that, D brought us to his uncle's house which was nearby. THAT was definitely an experience to remember. His uncle rears Pigs. AND O MY. i saw the biggest pig in my entire life. Not pig - Sow. A mommy pig with 13 piglets. She's so big, i think she's as long as if i lie down. SHE'S HUGE! SO BIG. And it was such a sight, to see all her piglets feeding, and the mommy lying down. Something i'd never forget. Never.

Okay, aside from Pigs, there were also VERY SMALL puppies. and Chickens with CHICKS!! tons of them. and 3 big dogs. And O my, it was just a brilliant trip. :D i feel honoured to be brought to a Vietnamese home. Everyone should try it - of course, i'm not saying everyone will like it, but everyone will remember the experience. Its not Singaporeish, for one.

Okay. after that, we took a 30mins trip back to District one - which is the District thats most advanced, crowded, packed, singaporeish. And Yay! we had dinner. Dinner WAS GOOD. GOOD GOOD GOOD. Beef never tasted so good. Its the simplest fare, we had Beef Pho (Pronounced FUH). SO GOOD. *Slurrrp* I bet papa will Loooooove it. Its very different from the Beef Kway Teow in Singapore though. I'm not comparing which is better and all, but they're all good in their own sense/taste. :)

Then. after dinner, we were supposed to return back to our Hotel since one of them had to work. But one of them learnt that i LOOOOVE/Adore Coffee. So he brought us to have coffee by the Saigon River. SO LOMANTICA. And we just sat, and enjoyed the night sea breeze, and sipped Coffee, and talked, i guess. Totally lovely.

I enjoyed every single bit of that Sunday. Its the bestest. And we're going out with them again this sunday! :D

Sigh. See, its wonderful yet simple experiences like these that make me love Vietnam even more.

Vietnam Love. Em Yeu Viet Nam.