Sunday, July 22, 2007

this conference, for me, was a mind-changing one.

Aside from all the delegates, CEOs, Directors, Namecards, Hand-shaking, Chit-chatting, Networking, Dinnering, Cocktail-evening-ing, And everything else to do with the whole event, i had the opportunity to spend some time with a person i was never really close with. And we chatted in private. And the stuff i heard, totally wrecked my impression of some people whom i loved at school.

No, She wasn't backstabbing anyone at school, but just relating what she knew of the whole major episode which happened not too long ago in school. i wasn't really involved in what exactly happened, i was one of the characters, but no the main. STILL.

I was shocked beyond myself when i heard what REALLY happened. so shocked. Because:

1. The backstabbers were people i loved and trusted.
2. In my mind, the backstabbers were one of the nicest people around.
3. If the truth gets out, Everyone, EVERYONE will suffer. (everyone = everyone in a certain group.)

And after she told me her story, ( well. i choose to believe her, because whatever she said tallied with what i knew/saw. and. She is just someone i know i can trust. And we came to this topic by accident. not as if she plotted to tell me. O well. i trust that she didn't. )

ANYHOW. at times i really REALLY really wanna just bla everything out to the victim. BUT. i know it won't do anyone any good. So. i should be wise, and not do things on impulse.

But through this whole SCAForum, i got to know SO many people better. and i feel loved, really. :D Thank you: Gavin. Nat. Jessie. Karen. Tiffany. Michelle. Yansiew.

And to the year twos. :) You all have so much more to learn. Nevertheless, Thank you for your help.