anyway. i was watching the National Day Parade. and i thought to myself - Why would anyone complain what Singapore has to offer.
Why. I commend (from the bottom of my heart, truly) all the performers and civil servants who paraded tonight. i think Singaporeans should thank them for putting on a great performance, So. i thank thee - Paraders.
i listened to the national day songs. and, like every other time, some songs just put tears in my eyes.
Especially "Count on me, Singapore"
Count on me Singapore, Count on me Singapore. Count on me to give my best and more Count on me Singapore. We can achieve Singapore, Do my best and more. Together Singapore, Singapore.
And i think to myself. can Singapore count on me? Can Singapore count on anyone of us?
Can Singapore count on YOU?
See the beautifuly Magnificent display of fireworks. Everyone - Elderly, Teenagers, School kids, Bosses and employees, businessmen and women, teachers and students, husbands and wives, granmas and granpas. daddies and mummies. - All go WoW! faces like that -> ( O . O)
then. the day after. start complaining about taxes, bills, fines, traffic rules and regulations, how the Lee family's taking over the government, stupid policies put in place, how the government only wants to "eat" our money.
Singaporeans - Singaporeans.
Dear heavenly father, i thank you for your grace and mercy. And it is only by your grace and love that Singapore can make it this far. Lord, i know you Love little things. Thank you for loving Singapore. Little as she is, however limited her resources are, You saw us through all the obstacles. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus for 41 years of Grace and protection.
Lord, although today, as Singapore celebrates her birthday, and as i end my 40-day fast. i wanna pray for East Timor.
Lord, i thank you that your heart is with and for East Timor. Just as you brought us out of our struggles into success, Lord i believe that You are gonna do the same for East Timor - only even better. i believe that.
Lord. you hear the cries of your children suffering, you hear the painful moans of parents who lost their children to famines and disease, you hear the desperation of those who are at the brink of death.

i know you hear them. and ONLY YOU know what they want, what they need. i pray this day that you'll send relief to them. You'll touch them in your own creative ways.
i break every spirit of depression, every spirit of darkness. i cast you out in the Mighty name of Jesus. You are not welcomed in East Timor. i curse you to death - with all the power of heaven, i bind you powerless.
jesus Jesus. Help them.
In the victorious name of Jesus - Amen.
Are we, Singaporeans, thankful - yet?